This article provides a Macintosh computer and system software compatibility matrix for Avid Cinema.
Notes: (A) Owners of Avid Cinema 1.0 should upgrade to 1.1 or later to take advantage of numerous enhancements and bug fixes. Avid Cinema Updates are available on Apple Software Updates sites in the Display-Peripherals area. (B) On a Macintosh 5400, 6400, or 6360: the 54xx/64xx Update version 1.1 must be present in the Extensions folder. The 54xx/64xx Update version 1.1 ensures that video within Avid Cinema will run smoothly. If your computer came with Avid Cinema 1.1, then the extension should be pre-installed in your Extensions folder. If you updated to Avid Cinema 1.1 from 1.0, the updater installed the extension into the Extensions folder. This extension is not needed with Mac OS 7.6.1 or later. (C) On a Macintosh 5400, 6400, or 6360, the 54xx/64xx L2 Cache Reset extension must be present in the Extensions folder. The 54xx/64xx L2 Cache Reset extension fixes a problem that the 54xx/64xx Update extension introduces where the computer would run slowly because its L2 Cache is disabled. Since the functionality of the 54xx/64xx Update extension was rolled into Mac OS 7.6.1, the L2 Cache Reset extension must also be present there. This extension is not needed with Mac OS 8.0 or later. The file can be downloaded from Apple Software Updates sites. Avid Cinema versions before 1.1.2 are not supported with Mac OS 7.6 or later. (D) Avid Cinema software v1.1.2 is only available with the 6500/275 Creative Studio bundle. (E) Avid Cinema software versions 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 are virtually the same, except that version 1.1.4 fixes a cosmetic problem with Mac OS 8.0 where a stop sign is drawn over the camera icon in the time line. (F) Version 1.1.5 eliminates the issue of getting a corrupt file when attempting to replace an existing movie file the "Save movie for..." option in the "Send Movie Out" tab. (G) The Power Macintosh G3 All-In-One Audio-Video Avid Cinema Software Bundle provides Avid Cinema support without additional hardware because the design of the Power Macintosh G3 All-In-One provides adequate processing power without the need for an additional hardware codec card. Audio and video features are provided via the "Wings II" AV card, also found in common desktop PM G3 AV configurations. Avid Cinema software v1.1.5 is available from Apple Software Updates. These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here: This article was published in the 29 April 1997 "Information Alley." |
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