.scr Suffix On Downloaded Files
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    I just downloaded a file from one of Apple's software update sites. The filename has the suffix ".scr". What type of file is this?


    The .scr suffix stands for script. More specifically, they are files containing scripts used by the Disk Copy utility program. These scripts are referred to as DiskScripts.

    A DiskScript is a special file containing commands that instruct Disk Copy 6.1 or later to perform an action on a list of disk images, and to optionally launch an application with or without a specific document. DiskScripts are not related to, and do not require AppleScript to run.

    Executing a DiskScript
    • Copy the DiskScript or DiskScripts into the same folder as the disk images you want to work with.
    • Double-click on the "Install" DiskScript to automatically instruct Disk Copy 6.1 or later to mount all the disk images on the desktop and lauch the Installer application. When the Installer quits, all the disk images will automatically unmount.
    • Double-click on the "Make Disks" DiskScript to automatically instruct Disk Copy 6.1 or later to make floppy disks from each of the disk images.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: General Apple Software Topics
Sub Category: General Topics

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