Mac OS 8.1: FM Radio Installation
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    After the Mac OS 8.1 Update, the installer reported it is unable to replace the Apple FM Radio application. I then reinstalled the software that came with my TV/FM Radio System, but when I opened Apple FM Radio I got the following error message, "The FM Radio Component in the Extensions folder is not the correct version."


    Mac OS 8.1 Update installs Apple FM Radio application v1.4.1 and FM Radio extension v1.2. (These versions are required by Mac OS 8.1.) The Mac OS 8.1 Update installer will not install this Apple FM Radio software if the older versions have not been previously installed, or the software is not located where the installer expects to find them.

    The Mac OS 8.1 Update installer looks in the follows locations for older versions of the FM Radio software:
    • Apple FM Radio - in the Applications folder of the Hard Drive
    • FM Radio - in the Extensions folder of the System Folder

    Important: The Apple FM Radio application should reside at the root level of the Applications folder. If the Apple FM Radio application is not in this location, the Mac OS 8.1 Update installer will not find the application and will not update it.

    If you do not have the original installation disks for the TV/FM Radio System, you can force the Mac OS 8.1 Update installer to install the correct version of Apple FM Radio and FM Radio by placing "dummy" files (not folders) in the locations specified above. Follow the steps below

      1. Create two SimpleText documents.
      2. Save one with the name "Apple FM Radio" and the other with the name "FM Radio Extension".
      3. Put the "Apple FM Radio" file in the Applications folder, and the "FM Radio Extension" file in the Extensions folder.
      4. These "dummy" files will then be replaced with the real software by the Mac OS 8.1 Update installer.

    Also, the Mac OS 8.1 Update installer does not provide a new Apple FM Radio Guide file which has not been revised since the original version. If you need the FM Radio Guide file, it can be found on the install disks for the TV/FM Radio System.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 8.1
Sub Category: General Topics

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