ARA Personal Server 3.0: Description
Article ID:


    This article describes Apple Remote Access Personal Server version 3.0.



    The Apple Remote Access Personal Server software includes everything you need to access your Mac OS computer, and AppleTalk or TCP/IP network services, from a remote location. Any computer which supports the industry standard Point-to-Point-Protocol (PPP)-based on the Mac OS, Windows, or Newton system software can access the server over standard telephone lines. Further, it allows any Mac OS- compatible computer with Apple Remote Access 2.x or 3.0 client software to connect with another Mac OS computer, or an entire network using both AppleTalk or TCP/IP network services over standard telephone lines. Connections with Apple Remote Access 2.x requires an IP gateway to provide access for TCP/IP (Internet) applications. It takes only minutes to set up and offers powerful capabilities that can help make an individual user or a small workgroup using Mac OS compatible systems even more productive-- no matter where they are.

    With the Apple Remote Access Personal Server, you can work wherever you like-- at home or on the road-- and retain access to all of the resources of your office computer or network. AppleTalk and TCP/IP network services can be used simultaneously. You and your colleagues can view information on a web browser* while printing to a network printer, collaborate on a shared project, or send Internet e-mail while simultaneously accessing a group scheduling system. Yet doing all of this is as simple as if you were working at your office.

    Getting started with Apple Remote Access Personal Server is easy. And because the Apple Remote Access Personal Server adjusts automatically to your network, it leaves you free to focus on your own work instead of worrying about the details of networking.

    In today's increasingly complex and mobile world, the Apple Remote Access Personal Server provides convenient, direct access to information and resources at a remote location for computer users on the go. So, whether you want to share files with a neighbor or collaborate on a project with colleagues around the world over the Internet*, Apple Remote Access Personal Server can help you get the job done-- quickly, easily, and affordably.

    *Note: Internet functions require a web browser and an account with an Internet service provider.


    Ease of use
    Installs in only minutes
    Provides everything you need for both the calling and the answering Macintosh computers-- client and server software-- in one convenient package**
    Lets individuals or small organizations access services remotely, in the same intuitive way as they work with services locally
    Requires no specialized equipment other than what's listed under system requirements
    Built-in support for Apple Guide
    Enables individuals or small organizations to take advantage of remote access to a single Macintosh computer or an entire network using the AppleTalk network system and TCP/IP protocols
    Supports a variety of leading modems
    Supports a range of network types, including LocalTalk, Ethernet, and Token Ring
    Powerful security features
    Allows administrators to select the level of security that's most appropriate for their organization's needs
    Provides you with a secure method of access, whether you're connecting from home or from a hotel outside the country
    Flexible client capabilities
    Supports a variety of connections, including cellular and ISDN***
    Works with Apple Remote Access Client version 2.x or 3.x, as well as with any PPP client software for Mac OS or other operating systems such as Windows or UNIX

    **Includes software for one client. Additional client software must be purchased or licensed separately.
    ***ISDN and cellular connections require additional Apple or third-party products.

    Ordering Information

    Apple Remote Access Personal Server
    Order No. 409100Z
    Apple Remote Access Personal Server software and installer on CD-ROM
    Apple Remote Access User's Guide
    Apple Remote Access Client volume licenses
    Order No. 402100Z
    Apple Remote Access Personal Server Volume licenses for Client software can be licensed for quantities of 25 or more users, consult your authorized ClarisPLUS reseller or representative for licensing information.

    Product specifications are subject to change. Check with your Claris reseller for the most current information about product specifications and configurations.

    This product is entitled to 90 days free technical support. Technical support entitlement is subject to change without notice.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: Apple Remote Access (ARA)
Sub Category: ARA 3.x
Keywords: specsht

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.