Port Numbers Used by Mac OS and AppleShare IP Services
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This article lists the default port numbers for the services offered by Mac OS, AppleShare IP, and other Apple TCP/IP networking products.
Here are the default port numbers for the services offered by Mac OS, AppleShare IP, and other Apple TCP/IP networking products. All ports listed are TCP unless otherwise specified.
Mac OS 8.5 and later
Mac OS 9 Personal File Sharing via IP: 548
Mac OS 9 Software Updates: 80
Mac OS 9 iTools services: 80 (iDisk also uses port 548)
Sherlock: 80
Sherlock 2 Directory (LDAP) Search: 389
Date & Time control panel (Network Time Server synchronization): 123
AppleShare IP and Personal Web Sharing
HTTP: 80
AppleShare IP 5.0 and later
AFP (over TCP): 548
FTP: 20 and 21
SMTP: 25
POP3, APOP: 110
AppleShare IP 6.0 and later
IMAP: 143
IMAP Administration: 626
PASS: 106
NotifyMail: 79
LPR: 515
Windows file sharing: 139
Windows network neighborhood: 138 (UDP)
Windows name service: 137 (UDP)
AppleShare IP 6.2 and later
Shared Users & Groups: 687
AppleShare IP 6.3 and later
Mac OS Server Admin (Web & File): 660
Mac OS Server Admin (Mail): 626
Other products
Network Assistant: 3283
MacDNS: 53
QuickTime Installer/Updater: 80
Remote Web Admin: 311 (when administering the server through a remote Web browser)