ARA 3.0: Configuring TCP/IP and Personal Web Sharing
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    I have Apple Remote Access 3.0, but I have no network. I am using ARA to dial between two stand-alone machines. Can I set up the ARA server to use TCP/IP and share web pages using Personal Web Sharing?


    Yes, this can be done. Here are the steps required for configuring the server:
      1. Set TCP/IP control panel to connect via AppleTalk (MacIP).
      2. Select Configure Using MacIP Manually. Type in for the IP address. The rest of the fields can be left blank.
      3. Open the AppleTalk control panel.
      4. If you have an AppleTalk printer connected to the printer port, select the Printer Port in the control panel; otherwise, select Remote Only.
      5. In the Remote Access control panel, open up the Answering dialog box from the RemoteAccess menu. Under "PPP server setup" check on the box "Allow TCP/IP clients to connect using PPP." Fill in the Default clients IP address to be Make sure answer calls is selected.
      6. Start Personal Web Sharing (or any other TCP/IP server you may have).

    Next, configure the client:
      1. The TCP/IP control panel should be configured to Connect via PPP, Configure Using PPP Server. All other fields may be left blank.
      2. Fill in the PPP or Remote Access control panel for a username and password for a user with dial-in access to the server, and the phone number on the server
      3. If you have the Remote Access control panel (instead of PPP), click on the "Options" button, select the Protocol tab, and select PPP. The default settings for the checkboxes which appear will work OK.

    Now any computer can dial into your server, connect via PPP, and browse your web pages. To pull up the page server by Personal Web Sharing, connect to the server and type in your web browser (instead of a name like "www.apple.com").

    Any system, regardless of operating system (Mac OS, Windows, and so on) should be able to connect to the server with a standard PPP connection and web browser.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: Apple Remote Access (ARA)
Sub Category: ARA 3.x

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.