Mac OS 8: Resetting Disk Cache
Article ID:


    In various configurations, it may be possible for the Memory control panel's Disk Cache setting to be reset to 96K after a clean install of Mac OS 8.0 or 8.1. Having the Disk Cache set this low will adversely impact Mac OS performance. This article tells how to correct the situation.


    The Memory control panel has a "Use Defaults" button which will correct this situation. You can accomplish the task in either of these two ways:

    Through the Apple menu and the Control Panels folder
      1. Pull down the Apple menu (but do not release your mouse button).
      2. Highlight the "Control Panels" menu item (but do not release the mouse button).
      3. Slide across the "Control Panels" menu item, moving the pointer into the submenu (but do not release the mouse button).
      4. In the submenu, highlight the Memory control panel and release the mouse button to open the Memory control panel.
      5. Click on the Use Defaults button in the Memory control panel window.
      6. Close the Memory control panel.
      7. Select Restart from the Special menu.

    Through the System Folder
      1. Open the System Folder on your hard drive.
      2. Open the Control Panels folder, which is in the System Folder.
      3. Double click on Memory to open the Memory control panel.
      4. Click on the Use Defaults button in the Memory control panel window.
      5. Close the Memory control panel.
      6. Select Restart from the Special menu.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics

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