AppleShare IP: Help With Access Privileges and Security
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    This article contains explanations for overcoming some common difficulties encountered when setting up access privileges with AppleShare File Server software.


    Volumes Are Grayed Out In The Chooser

    When volumes are dimmed in the Chooser, it means that the user does not have any access privileges for that volume. You must give your users a minimum of "Read Only" access to any share point if you want them to be able to log in.

    "Guest" Is Dimmed In The Chooser

    If the "Guest" option is dimmed in the Chooser, the server administrator may not have enabled user "Guest" to log in. Double-click on the user named "Guest" in the Users & Groups list to enable login. Also, don't forget to give "Everyone," which will include user "Guest," at least read-only access to share points and other folders along the path where information for "Guests" will be stored.

    Creating Drop Boxes

    Drop boxes are folders that users can drop files and folders into, but they cannot access the files in the folder. A good example of a use for a drop box would be a folder that students could drop their homework assignments in.

    Drop boxes have the following access privileges and requirements:
    • Read & Write privileges for the owner (the owner is the person for whom items are being dropped off).
    • "Write Only" privileges for "Everyone."
    • The drop box must be within another folder to which everyone has at least read-only access (so that they can get to the drop box).

    A drop box cannot be a share point. No one would be able to mount the volume, with "write only" privileges.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: AppleShare
Sub Category: AppleShare for Mac OS

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