AppleShare Memory Manager INIT extension version 1.0 was released on July 24, 1998. It requires North American English AppleShare IP 5.0.x, 6.0 or 6.1 server.
This extension resolves a condition where an AppleShare IP server may randomly freeze. This can affect any AppleShare IP 5.0.x, 6.0, or 6.1 server running Mac OS 7.6, 7.6.1, 8.0 or 8.1. A cosmetic indicator of this may be seen in the "About this Computer" window, where the Mac OS would appear to use 3.9 GB of memory. Please note the AppleShare Memory Manager Init does not fix this cosmetic indicator. The freeze condition has been reported to most often occur when Retrospect is running on the AppleShare IP server. However, this is not the only server software configuration under which this may occur. The AppleShare Memory Manager INIT will only work if AppleShare IP server software is installed.
This software consists of a self-mounting Disk Copy compressed image (.smi) file. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. You do not need Disk Copy to access .smi files.
About AppleShare Memory Manager INIT extension
The AppleShare Memory Manager INIT extension is provided to AppleShare IP customers.
This extension resolves a condition where an AppleShare IP server may randomly freeze. This can affect any AppleShare IP 5.0.x, 6.0, or 6.1 server running Mac OS 7.6, 7.6.1, 8.0 or 8.1. A cosmetic indicator of this may be seen in the "About this Computer" window, where the Mac OS would appear to use 3.9 GB of memory. Please note the AppleShare Memory Manager Init does not fix this cosmetic indicator.
The freeze condition has been reported to most often occur when Retrospect is running on the AppleShare IP server. However, this is not the only server software configuration under which this may occur.
The AppleShare Memory Manager INIT will only work if AppleShare IP server software is installed.
To Install
Manually drag copy the file "AppleShare MMgr INIT" to your active System folder's Extensions folder and restart your computer.