Mac OS 8.5: Help Viewer Quits With Type 3 Error
Article ID:


    This article describes a situation where Help Viewer quits with the alert box: "The application "" has unexpectedly quit because an error of Type 3 occurred."

    Note: If the computer becomes unresponsive rather than quitting with an error, please see article 60228: " Mac OS 8.5: System Freezes When Opening Help Viewer. "



    When a version of the Internet Config system extension earlier than 2.0 is installed, Help Viewer quits and displays this alert box:

    Figure 1: Help Viewer alert box; earlier version of Internet Config extension installed.

    Or, if the Internet Config system extension is not installed:

    Figure 2: Help Viewer alert box; Internet Config extension not installed.

    Products affected
    • Mac OS 8.5
    • Internet Config versions earlier than 2.0

    Make sure that Internet Config Extension version 2.0.2 or later is installed in the Extensions folder of the System Folder. If necessary, use the Mac OS 8.5 Installer to perform a custom installation of the Internet control panel. Both the Internet control panel and Internet Config Extension are installed this way.

    Proceed as follows:
      1. Open the Mac OS Install application.
      2. Click Continue.
      3. Select the destination disk from the pop-up menu and click Select.
      4. Click Continue twice and then Agree.
      5. Click Customize.
      6. Make sure Mac OS 8.5 is the only check box that is selected.
      7. Choose Customized Installation from the pop-up menu.
      8. Scroll down to the bottom of the list; click the disclosure triangle to the left of Control Panels.
      9. Select the Internet check box.
      10. Click OK.
      11. Click Start.

    This also addresses the requirement for Internet Config expressed in the alert shown in Figure 2. For more information about how Internet Config relates to Mac OS 8.5, please see the following article:

    Article 24679: " Mac OS 8.5: Internet Control Panel Or Internet Config? "

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 8.5
Sub Category: System Software Components; Troubleshooting
Keywords: kalley, kmos85, ksts

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