AppleShare IP 6.0: Error Saving From Windows Applications
Article ID:


    This article is about an issue that occurs with AppleShare 6.0 when saving a file from a Windows computer.


    Symptom :

    When I try to save from with an application to my AppleShare IP (ASIP) 6.0 server from a Windows 95, 98, or NT computer, sometimes I get an error. For example, ClarisWorks/AppleWorks says "An I/O error occurred." It does not occur with Mac OS clients, nor does it happen in all Windows applications. Also, it does not occur when copying files from the Windows desktop.

    Solution :

    This is a known issue with the SMB idle time disconnect feature of ASIP. AppleShare IP will automatically disconnect SMB connections after four minutes of idle time. Once disconnected, some Windows applications will be able to automatically reconnect and save back to the original file; others will not.

    In applications that cannot handle this behavior, you should copy the file locally, work on the file locally, then copy it back to the server when you are done.

    AppleShare IP 6.1 resolves this issue.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: AppleShare
Sub Category: AppleShare for Mac OS

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