Mac OS: Out Of Memory Errors With File Synchronization
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    The computer may stop responding when using the File Synchronization control panel to synchronize folders with custom icons.



    An alert box appears with an error message that says: "Out of Memory", and the system stops responding. This happens when you use the File Synchronization control panel at the same time a dialog box is on the screen, and one of the folders you're synchronizing has a custom icon. For example, you've opened Preferences from the Edit menu while synchronizing a folder with a custom icon and this error occurs.

    Products affected

    • File Synchronization control panel
    • Mac OS 9.0.4 and earlier


    Download and install Mac OS 9.1, which is available from http://www.apple.com/swupdates/ .

    You can work around the issue by eliminating custom icons on the folders you want to synchronize. Follow these steps to remove custom folder icons:

      1. Close the File Synchronization control panel.

      2. Find and select the folder with the custom icon.

      3. Choose Get Info from the File menu.

      4. Click the custom icon in the Get Info window to select it.

      5. Choose Cut or Clear from the Edit menu, or press the Delete key.

      6. Close the Get Info window.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics

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