Mac OS 8.5: Printing To A LaserWriter With 8.2.3f Driver
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    Since updating to Mac OS 8.5, printing to my LaserWriter 16/600 PS using the LaserWriter 8.2.3f driver that comes with Mac OS 8.5 does not always work. Some applications do not allow me to print at all, and the desktop print monitor goes into a loop while processing the print job.


    Apple has received reports of users having difficulty printing from Mac OS 8.5 to their fax-capable LaserWriters. Present workarounds include using the 8.2.3f driver for faxing only, and the LaserWriter 8.6 driver or later for printing.

    Another solution is to use LaserWriter 8.3.4, which can be downloaded from Apple Software Updates sites. It supports printing and faxing, but does not contain any of the fax extras such as the address book.

    This article can help you locate the software update mentioned here:

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 8.5
Sub Category: Printing; Troubleshooting

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