PowerBook: "The Game" DVD Does Not Run
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    I have a PowerBook G3 Series computer with a DVD card. I can run most DVDs fine, but I cannot load "The Game." What should I do?


    As discussed on page 8 of your PowerBook DVD manual, some DVDs have issues with their implementation of UDF. This will cause an error to occur when you insert the DVD on your Macintosh PowerBook; the system software will advise you that it cannot read the disk, and will prompt you to initialize it. This may give you the impression that the disk is somehow defective.

    To work around this, hold down the Command, Option, and I keys while inserting the DVD. This will cause the system to read the DVD as an ISO-9000-formatted disk, rather than a UDF-formatted disk.

    You may encounter an additional error while trying to run the DVD. The FBI warning and studio logos will appear, followed by an error that the disk could not be authenticated. To resolve this issue, you should download and install DVD SW Update 1.1 from Apple Software Updates.

    These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:
    Note: Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series computers should not be confused with Macintosh PowerBook G3 computers. Though the names are similar, there are significant differences. For more information differentiating between the computers, read Tech Info Library article 24604: " PowerBook G3, G3 Series: Identifying Different Versions "

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: General Topics; PowerBook G3 Series

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