QuickTime Streaming Server: Verifying The Version
Article ID:


    Using QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) requires updating to the release version of the software and Mac OS X Server patch 1. Therefore, it maybe necessary to verify that these software items were properly installed. This article provides the steps necessary to verify the QTSS software version.


    For the patch, you may view the receipt using the installer.app. Here are the steps:

      1. From the Apple menu, choose Server Administration, then installer.app.
      2. From within installer.app, select Open from the Packages menu
      and navigate to /Local/Library/Receipts/MacOSXServer 1.0-1.pkg.
      3. In the resulting window, verify that the status is "installed".

    For the QTSS release, you may view the receipt as above, choosing QTSS.pkg. you may also verify installation from the terminal.app.

    In a terminal window, type the following:

    QuickTimeStreamingServer -v

    After the release version is installed, you will see:

    [hostname:~/updates_4.21] root#  QuickTimeStreamingServer -v
    QTSS/v66 Built on: Apr 16 1999, 18:10:07
    -d: Run in the foreground
    -l: For each RTP stream, write a log of all timestamps & sequence numbers
    -r: Don't append any random offsets to timestamps & sequence numbers
    -p XXX: Specify the default RTSP listening port of the server

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS X Server
Sub Category: QuickTime Streaming

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