This article contains error codes for QuickTime Streaming Server.
DISCUSSION Streaming Errors -5400 - qtsBadSelectorErr -5401 - qtsBadStateErr -5402 - qtsBadDataErr -5403 - qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr -5404 - qtsUnsupportedRateErr -5405 - qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr -5406 - qtsTooMuchDataErr Network Errors -5420 - connection failed (couldn't connect to the server) Open Transport (Mac only: -3150 to -3180, -3200 to -3285) Look for the full range of Open Transport error codes in OpenTransport.h) -3150 - kOTBadAddressErr - a bad address was specified -3170 - kOTBadNameErr; couldn't do name lookup Windows only 10061 - couldn't connect to server Mac Toolbox Errors Streaming could return all QuickTime and Mac Toolbox errors. Common ones returned are: QuickTime Errors Many of the client reported errors have been replaced with the text of the error. -223 - siInvalidCompression; codec not installed Windows Specific Errors -2092 - componentDllEntryNotFoundErr; Windows specific error when component is loading RTSP Errors Most of these error codes are the same as for HTTP. These errors are usually generated from the server. 3xx - redirect 400 - bad request 401 - unauthorized 402 - payment required 403 - forbidden 404 - not found (specified movie not found on server side) 405 - method not allowed 406 - not acceptable 407 - proxy authentication required 408 - request time-out 409 - conflict 410 - gone 411 - length required 412 - precondition failed 413 - request entity too large 414 - request URI too large 415 - unsupported media type 451 - parameter not understood 452 - conference not found 453 - not enough bandwidth 454 - session not founds 455 - method not valid in this state 456 - header field not valid for resource 457 - invalid range 458 - parameter is read only 459 - aggregate operation not allowed 460 - only aggregate operation allowed 461 - unsupported transport 462 - destination unreachable 500 - internal server error 501 - not implemented 502 - bad gateway 503 - service unavailable 504 - gateway timeout 505 - version not supported 551 - option not supported |
Document Information | |
Product Area: | Apple Software |
Category: | QuickTime |
Sub Category: | QuickTime 4.x |
Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.