Mac OS: Matching Mac OS ROM File To Mac OS Version
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    This article contains a chart that matches the various versions of the Mac OS ROM file with the correct version of Mac OS. Your computer must have the appropriate Mac OS ROM file in order to function properly.


    Your computer must have the appropriate Mac OS ROM file for the version of Mac OS that is installed. Using the wrong Mac OS ROM file can cause the computer to behave unpredictably and may even prevent it from starting up.

    The chart below matches the applicable Mac OS ROM file to the applicable Mac OS.
    Mac OS
    Mac OS ROM
    Mac OS 8.1 (iMac, Rev A Bundle)
    Mac OS ROM v1.1
    iMac Update 1.0
    Mac OS ROM v1.1.2
    Mac OS 8.5 (Retail CD)
    Mac OS ROM 1.1.2
    Mac OS 8.5 (iMac, Rev B Bundle)
    Mac OS ROM v1.1.5
    Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White) Mac OS 8.5.1 Bundle
    Mac OS ROM v1.2
    Macintosh Server G3 (Blue and White) Mac OS 8.5.1 Bundle
    Mac OS ROM v1.2
    iMac Update 1.1
    Mac OS ROM v1.2.1
    Mac OS 8.5.1 (Colors iMac 266 MHz Bundle)
    Mac OS ROM v1.2.1
    Mac OS 8.6 (Retail CD)
    Mac OS ROM v1.4
    Mac OS 8.6 (Colors iMac 333 MHz Bundle)
    Mac OS ROM v1.4
    Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White) Mac OS 8.6 Bundle
    Mac OS ROM v1.4
    Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series 8.6 Bundle
    Mac OS ROM v1.6
    Mac OS ROM Update 1.0
    Mac OS ROM v1.6
    Mac OS 8.6 bundled on Power Mac G4 (PCI)
    Mac OS ROM v1.7.1
    Power Mac G4 ROM 1.8.1 Update
    Mac OS ROM v1.8.1
    Mac OS 8.6 bundled on iMac (Slot Loading)
    Mac OS ROM v2.3.1
    Mac OS 8.6 bundled on iBook
    Mac OS ROM v2.3.1
    Mac OS 8.6 bundled on Power Mac G4 (AGP)
    Mac OS ROM v2.5.1
    Mac OS 9.0 bundled on iBook
    Mac OS ROM v3.1.1
    Mac OS 9.0 bundled on Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics)/iMac (Slot-Loading)
    Mac OS ROM v3.1.1
    Mac OS 9.0 bundled on PowerBook G3 Bronze
    Mac OS ROM v3.0
    Retail Mac OS 9.0 installed on iMac
    Mac OS ROM v3.0
    Retail Mac OS 9.0 installed on Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White)
    Mac OS ROM v3.0
    Mac OS 9.0.2 bundled on Power Mac G4 (AGP) and iBook
    Mac OS ROM v3.5
    Mac OS 9.0.2 installed on PowerBook (FireWire)
    Mac OS ROM v3.5
    Mac OS 9.0.3 bundled on iMac (Slot Loading)
    Mac OS ROM v3.6
    Mac OS 9.0.4 Retail/Software Update
    Mac OS ROM v3.7
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on PowerBook (FireWire) (Summer 2000) (CPU software 2.4)
    Mac OS ROM v3.7
    Ethernet Update 1.0
    Mac OS ROM v3.8
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on iMac (Summer 2000)
    Mac OS ROM v4.6.1
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on Power Mac G4 (Summer 2000)
    Mac OS ROM v4.6.1
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on Power Mac G4 MP (Summer 2000) (CPU software 2.3)
    Mac OS ROM v4.9.1
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on Power Mac G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
    Mac OS ROM v4.9.1
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on Power Mac G4 Cube (Summer 2000) (CPU software 2.4)
    Mac OS ROM v5.2.1
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on iBook (Summer 2000) (CPU software 2.5)
    Mac OS ROM v5.3.1
    Mac OS 9.0.4 installed on Power Mac G4 (with Radeon) (CPU software 2.6)
    Mac OS ROM v5.5.1
    Mac OS 9.1 installed on iMac (Early 2001)
    Mac OS ROM v7.5.1

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics
Keywords: ktable, kswreview, khwreview

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.