PowerBook G3 Series: Data Corruption When Reading Audio CDs
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    This article describes an issue with certain digital audio software applications being played on some PowerBook G3 Series models, and its effect on files that are simultaneously being read from the hard drive or written to the hard drive.


    Apple has identified an issue with certain digital audio software applications including QuickTime Player, SoundJam MP, and MacAmp on some PowerBook G3 Series models. The issue occurs only when one application reads data asynchronously from an audio CD while another reads or writes a file to the hard drive at the same time. This in turn may cause the resulting file to be corrupted.

    This issue affects only PowerBook G3 Series models with IBM 8 GB drives. To check for this drive, open Apple System Profiler, select the Devices and Volumes tab, and look at the device at Internal ATA 0. The affected drive has these characteristics:

    Vendor: IBM-DYLA-28100
    Unformatted Size: 7.63 GB

    This issue does not affect the most recent PowerBook G3 Series (Bronze keyboard) model or use of the AppleCD Audio Player. Apple is currently in the process of developing a solution. In the meantime, the issue may be avoided by not using these applications to read audio CDs on PowerBook models with this particular hard drive.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: PowerBook G3; PowerBook G3 Series

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