At Ease 4.x, 5.x: Setting Up Networkable Applications
Article ID:


    This article provides a set of generalized instructions for setting up networkable applications. Please check with the software developer to see if their software requires specific instructions.


    1. Make the networkable application's main folder a share point on the AppleShare server at the root level of the hard drive.
    2. Give the At Ease User read or read/write privileges to the share point as advised by the software developer. See the following Tech Info Library for information on setting up an At Ease user:
      Article 31035: " At Ease 4 or 5: AppleShare IP Initial Setup "
    3. On the At Ease administration workstation, connect to the AppleShare server through the Chooser and sign in as the Registered User, "At Ease User".
    4. On the next screen you will be prompted to "Select the items you wish to use". Highlight the networkable application's folder and click OK to mount it.
    5. Open the At Ease Administration application and using "Access to Volumes", click the Add Volume button to add the application's folder as a share point.
    6. With the share point selected, click the Volume Settings button, and choose the option that users will log in to this volume "as the following AppleShare user", then enter the username and password for the At Ease User. Click OK to effect the changes.
    7. For workgroups that need access to the networkable application, go to the Workgroup Editor and add the volume for access by using the Servers button.
    8. Quit At Ease Administration to effect the changes.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: At Ease
Sub Category: At Ease 4.0 For Workgroups; At Ease 5.0 For Workgroups

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.