PowerBook G3 Series (Bronze keyboard): Printing After Waking Issues
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    My PowerBook G3 Series (Bronze keyboard) has difficulty printing to a USB printer after it wakes from sleep. It may display a message that it cannot find the printer; it may crash or hang; or it may report an application unexpectedly quit because of a Type 1, 3, or 11 error. After it wakes from sleep two printers appear in the Chooser at USB Port 1 and USB Port 2, even though only one USB printer is physically connected to the PowerBook.


    This is a potential issue with the PowerBook G3 Series (Bronze keyboard) running Mac OS 8.6 or 9.0, when a printer is connected using a USB to Parallel adapter cable, sometimes referred to as a dongle. This issue is being investigated. If you encounter this issue here are some ways to work around it:
    • If the printer has true USB support, use a native USB A-to-B cable instead of an adapter cable.
    • Connect the printer cable to the PowerBook only when intending to print.
    • If the printer cable remains connected during a sleep/wake cycle, restart the computer after it wakes from sleep prior to printing.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: PowerBook G3 Series (Bronze Kbd)

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