Macintosh Manager: Error -5019
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    Attempts to connect to a Macintosh Manager server result in a connection failure with error -5019. The solution lies in repairing AFP privilege information on the server.



    Attempts to connect to Macintosh Manager server as either administrator or client result in connection failure, with a -5019 error (AFP Parameter error). Deleting the Multiple Users user and letting the server make a new one automatically does not resolve the situation.


    This behavior is likely due to damaged AFP privilege information on the server, which can occur if the Admin workstation or the server stops responding ("crashes" or "freezes") or is force-restarted while privileges are being altered. Here are some possible solutions:

    • Use Disk First Aid to fix any damaged directories that may cause this error.
    • Verify that the entire Macintosh Manager folder (directory tree) is still owned by "Multiple Users User". To do this, select "Set Privileges" in Mac OS Server Admin, and choose the Macintosh Manager directory. It will probably show that Multiple Users User owns it, and has read-write privileges, but this doesn't prove that everything inside is set the same
    • Click the "Copy" button ("Copy these privileges to all enclosed folders"). This will ensure that Macintosh Manager's Multiple Users User can access everything within the entire directory tree. *
    • It may be necessary to reconstruct either Users and Groups Datafile or each volume's AppleShare PDS file, or both, using AppleShare IP First Aid. (Be sure to read the "Read Me" file for AppleShare IP First Aid before using it. Make backups as suggested before proceeding with reconstruction.)

    * Note : This procedure may take several minutes, depending on the number of items involved, the degree of directory branching, and the speed of the host computer.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS X Server
Sub Category: Macintosh Manager
Keywords: kmosXserver, ksts

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