Three Compact Disc Formats Described
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    The AppleCD SC supports the following compact disc formats:

    - the Red Book
    - the Yellow Book
    - High Sierra/ISO 9660
    - HFS


    Red Book
    The first standard developed in the compact disc industry is known as the
    "Red Book" standard. It was proposed by Philips and Sony, and describes the
    CD hardware, form factors, and media specifications. Today, the Red Book is
    followed throughout the industry for CD-Audio. It also forms the basis for
    the Yellow Book and High Sierra standards discussed below.

    The Red Book defines the way bit patterns are written to the compact disc,
    provides for synchronization bytes, and supports error correction within
    each "frame", or packet, of data. The overhead needed to accomplish this
    means that each frame, which represents 192 data bits (24 bytes), requires
    588 channel bits on the compact disc.

    The CD-Audio data correction algorithm is called the Cross Interleave
    Reed-Solomon Correction (CIRC) method and is intended to correct large runs
    of data that may be unreadable due to laser error or a defective or
    scratched disc. In this process, frames are interleaved and error checking
    is performed on the sum of this data. Error bursts of up to 450 data bytes
    in length can be corrected using this technique. CIRC recovery used on
    compact discs results in an observed error rate of less than one
    unrecoverable error in 2,000 discs.

    CD-Audio reads digital sound samples at 44.1 KHz per second. With 16 bits
    per sample and two channels, the player reads 1,411,200 bits per second.
    Compact discs are capable of storing up to 75 minutes of sound per disc,
    although 60 minutes is commonly quoted as CD-Audio's capacity.

    Yellow Book
    Philips and Sony also collaborated on the Yellow Book standard, which
    defines CD-ROM data addressing, and supplies a richer error detection and
    correction algorithm than is found on CD-Audio.

    CD-ROM data is organized into blocks with 98 24-byte frames in each. Of
    the 2352 data bytes in each block, 2048 bytes, or 2 Kbytes, is user data.
    The compact disc player reads 75 blocks each second. At 75 minutes of
    playing time (the same as CD-Audio), the CD-ROM can hold 660 Mbytes of
    data. However, 60 minutes is generally used as the standard capacity,
    which equates to 550 Mbytes of CD-ROM data per disc.

    Additional error detection and error correction (EDC/ECC) defined by the
    Yellow Book provide extra accuracy on CD-ROM discs. Each 2K data block is
    accompanied by 276 bytes used in a second layer of CIRC. Together with the
    Red Book's first layer of error correction, the algorithms result in an
    undetectable error rate of only 1 bit in 2 quadrillion discs.

    High Sierra
    In 1986, Apple was one of a number of interested parties that gathered at
    the High Sierra hotel, near Lake Tahoe, to come to a agreement on CD-ROM
    file formats. The result was a proposal, known as the High Sierra standard,
    which defines a hierarchical file system to be used on a CD-ROM.

    The High Sierra file system is written with compact disc characteristics
    in mind. For example, it does not include instructions to delete or write
    to files, since compact discs are read-only media. High Sierra also
    addresses the relatively slow seek time of the compact disc by specifying
    a path table on each volume. When a host computer requests a file from a
    High Sierra CD, a single seek will give the location of the disc's file,
    no matter how deeply it may be buried in nested folders. This directory
    may also be cached within the CPU, so that the host computer can
    immediately request the compact disc player to move to the file on the CD.

    High Sierra is system-independent, so that a disk (pressed with information
    conforming to High Sierra) could be conveniently read on Apple II,
    Macintosh, IBM PC, and other computers. All essential file data is written
    in palindrome format -- data is written twice: once as "high byte,
    low byte", and again as "low byte, high byte".

    High Sierra discs are limited to no more than eight levels of"folders", and
    file names of no more than 31 characters.

    NOTE: Prior to being adopted by the ISO Committee, ISO 9660 was know as High
    Sierra. Although some minor changes were made to High Sierra during the ISO
    standardizing process, Apple's driver will enable you to read CD-ROM discs
    pressed in either format. The two format names are often used interchangeably.

Document Information
Product Area: Peripherals
Category: CD-ROM
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.