What is the Button Disabler version 1.2?
This control panel allows you to disable the bezel buttons on the front of certain computer models. If you have a Performa or Power Macintosh 52xx, 53xx, 62xx, 63xx, 5400, 6400, 5500, or 6500 series computer you may use this control panel while running Mac OS 7.6.1 or later.
To install this Button Disabler version 1.2 follow these steps:
1. Locate the System Folder on the computer's hard disk. Don't open the System Folder.
2. Drag the file named "Button Disabler" to the System Folder.
3. A message appears asking if you want the Button Disabler control panel to be put into the Control Panel folder. Click OK. If a second message appears stating that Button Disabler already exists and asks you if you would like to replace it, click OK.
4. Open the Special menu and choose Restart.
If the second message does appear, then you had an earlier version of Button Disabler control panel installed on your computer. Make sure that you only install the version 1.2 of the Button Disabler on the supported computer models. Use the older version 1.1 of the Button Disabler on Quadra or LC series computers or computers with a PowerPC upgrade card.
How do I use the Button Disabler control panel?
Once installed on your computer, you can use the Button Disabler control panel by following these steps:
1. Open the Apple menu, located at the upper-left corner of your screen.
2. Select then Control Panels menu item
3. Open the Button Disabler control panel
4. Click on the check box to disable or enable the bezel buttons on the front of your computer.
Note: If you see the message "The control panel 'Button Disabler' cannot be used with this computer" make sure you have installed Mac OS version 7.6.1 or later. Version 1.2 of the Button Disabler control panel will not open on versions of the Mac OS before 7.6.1. Also, version 1.2 of the Button Disabler control panel does not support any Quadra or LC series computers or computers with a PowerPC upgrade card.
What is new with version 1.2 of this control panel?
Version 1.2 of the Button Disabler control panel adds support for the 5400, 6400, 5500, and 6500 series computers. Version 1.2 of the control panel does not support any Quadra or LC series computers or computers with a PowerPC upgrade card. Continue to use the version 1.1 of the Button Disabler with those Quadra and LC series computers.
April 16, 1997
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