Important Information Regarding Claris Emailer 2.0v3
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    This article contains Important Information Regarding Claris Emailer 2.0v3.
    Claris Emailer 2.0v3 is a maintenance release, consisting of a number of bug fixes and minor feature enhancements.


    Bugs fixed in Claris Emailer 2.0v3:
      1. If you drag your password (from any account) to the desktop it will create a text clipping which contains the password.
      2. Emailer crashes while getting messages ready to send when there is not enough disk space available.
      3. When doing spell checking subject line is not being checked.
      4. In AppleScript, "the front window" will now always return the correct window under all circumstances.
      5. In AppleScript, accessing unread incoming messages in the Out Box and Deleted Mail folders now works properly.

    Claris Emailer 2.0v3 Feature Enhancements
    1. Rewritten address book
    • AppleScriptable
    • Links between individual entries and group entries
    • Improved importing / exporting
    • Sort on any column

    2. Reorganizable folders
    • You now can can "drag and drop" folders into different folders
    • The folders are now AppleScriptable

    3. Hierarchical filing menu

    4. Message redirect

    5. Contextual menus for PPC on Mac OS8 or higher

    6. MIME improvements
    • multipart-alternative
    • quoted printable enhancements
    • better mapping between Mac Type and Creator codes and MIME types via Internet Config
    • MIME-digest

    7. AppleSingle / AppleDouble encoding

    8. OT/PPP Plug-in

    9. Quoted text will no longer be spell checked unless you highlight it.

    10. The "Emailer Contextual Plugin" which allows you to add an enclosure from the Finder to a new Outgoing message is available on the Claris web site.

    For latest new features see help topic "What's new" Index Keyword "New Features"

    These articles can help you locate the software update mentioned here:

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: Claris Emailer

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