Avid Cinema 1.1.3 was released July 2, 1997 and is available for the French, German, Japanese and English-International on the World Wide Software Updates in Apple Support.
The following discussion contains important information regarding installation of the Avid Cinema 1.1.3 Update, fixes/changes from previous versions of the software, and information about Macintosh platforms and system software you need to have in order to upgrade to this version of Avid Cinema.
You must be running Mac OS 7.6.1 on your system before installing Avid Cinema 1.1.3. Avid Cinema 1.1.3 does not support versions of Mac OS earlier than 7.6.1. Customers with 7.5.3 or 7.5.5 should use Avid Cinema version 1.1 or 1.1.1 which has the same features as the 1.1.3 version. Mac OS version 7.6 is not supported with any version of Avid Cinema.
Existing customers with Performa and Power Macintosh models 5400, 6400, 6360, 7500, 7600/132 and 8500 can use this internet method to upgrade to 1.1.3. Customers with Power Macintosh 5500, 6500/225, 6500/ 250, 8600 models must install 1.1.3 from the 1.1.3 Installation CD which includes an update to 7.6.1. This CD includes additional files necessary to run Avid Cinema on these new platforms and is available when you purchase the 1.1.3 kit.
Note: Customers who purchased Creative Studio 6500/275 machines configured with Avid Cinema version 1.1.2 do not need to update to version 1.1.3. These software versions have the same functionality.
New Functionality in 1.1.3
Avid Cinema version 1.1.3 supports Mac OS 7.6.1. Existing Cinema customers should run this version of Cinema if they want to work with 7.6.1. Customers who purchased the Creative Studio 6500/275 which is configured with Cinema version 1.1.2 do not need to upgrade to 1.1.3 because 1.1.2 supports Mac OS 7.6.1.
The 1.1.3 version also corrects an audio level problem with versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.1.1. Previously when sending movies out to tape the volume on the tape may have recorded lower than expected. This required you to have to turn up the volume on your television in order to hear your videotape. Version 1.1.3 corrects this and the volumes will be higher when you send your movie out to tape. Customers with Creative Studio 6500/275 machines configured with Avid Cinema version 1.1.2 do not need to update to version 1.1.3 for this fix.
The 1.1.3 version also fixes a problem with versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1 when using non-local number formats which displayed incorrect characters in the "Disk Space Remaining" area in the Bring Video In Tab.
Customers running versions of the Mac OS earlier than 7.6.1 must upgrade to 7.6.1 first, before upgrading to Avid Cinema 1.1.3.
Installing the Avid Cinema 1.1.3 Update:
The compressed "Avid Cinema 1.1.3 Update" file you downloaded contains 3 items:
· The Avid Cinema 1.1.3 application
· The Avid Cinema extension
· These README instructions
These files do not have a built-in installer, and you must manually replace your old Cinema application and extension with these new files.
To do this:
1) Open your hard drive and open the applications folder.
2) Locate the Avid Cinema folder.
3) Drag the new version of the Avid Cinema application (round colored icon) over the Avid Cinema folder until it is highlighted, and release the mouse. You will get a dialog asking you if you want to replace the existing version. Choose <OK>.
4) Open your hard drive and locate the System Folder.
5) Drag the new version of the Avid Cinema Extension over the System Folder. You will get a dialog asking you if it's OK to place this in the Extensions folder. Choose <OK>. You will then get another dialog asking you if you want to replace the existing version in the extensions folder. Choose <OK>.
6) Restart
7) Launch Avid Cinema
Note: If you had made an alias for your older version of Avid Cinema on your desktop, this alias will no longer work and you will have to make a new one.