GeoPort Telecom 1.2.2 for 660AV and 840AV- Read Me
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Who should use it: People with GeoPort Telecom Adapter and Centris 660AV, Quadra 660AV or Quadra 840AV
If you have a Power Macintosh with a GeoPort Telecom Adapter, you should download Geoport for Power Macintosh (1.0.2) for System 7.5 compatibility.
From the Read Me file:
Using the GeoPort Telecom Adapter for Centris 660AV, Quadra 660AV and Quadra 840AV
This GeoPort software, version 1.2.2, is especially designed for the Centris 660AV, Quadra 660AV and Quadra 840AV computers. If you have the GeoPort Telecom Adapter with one of these Macintosh models, you can install and use the GeoPort software.
Compatibility with QuickDraw GX
QuickDraw GX is not compatible with this version of GeoPort software. If you install QuickDraw GX, you wonÍt be able to send faxes until a new version of GeoPort software (2.0 or later) is available later this year. If you have installed QuickDraw GX, you can temporarily turn off QuickDraw GX and use your GeoPort Telecom Adapter. To turn off QuickDraw GX:
1. Hold down the space bar while you choose Restart from the Special menu. Continue to hold down the space bar until the Extensions Manager appears on your desktop.
The Extensions Manager dialog box appears on the screen.
2. Click the box next to QuickDraw GX extension to remove the check.
This prevents the QuickDraw GX software from loading.
3. Click the close box in the Extensions Manager dialog box to resume startup.
Your GeoPort Telecom Adapter should work normally. You wonÍt be able to use any QuickDraw GX features until you turn the extension back on again. For more information on QuickDraw GX, see the QuickDraw GX Read Me file (located in the QuickDraw GX folder).
Compatibility with "Serial Port Arbitrator"
If you have AppleTalk Remote Access installed, it is recommended that you remove the "Serial Port Arbitrator" extension from the Extensions folder inside the System Folder. AppleTalk Remote Access will still function properly. The extension just keeps track of the names of applications using serial ports for user notification.
Selecting GeoPort on Your Modem Port
The Express Modem control panel now incorporates buttons for selecting GeoPort or an External modem via the modem port, as pictured in the Read me document.
Turning the modem on or off works as described in Appendix A of the Express Modem UserÍs Guide for the GeoPort Telecom Adapter.
Normally, you should leave the Modem Port Setting set to its default "Use External Modem". The Modem Port Setting "Use Express Modem" is provided for compatibility with communications applications which are not compatible with the Macintosh Communications Toolbox. If one of the communications applications you are using is not compatible with the Macintosh Communications Toolbox you will need to select "Use Express Modem" while you are using this application with the GeoPort Telecom Adapter. If you then want to use some other serial device on your modem port after this you will need to reselect "Use External Modem". For use with AppleTalk Remote Access leave the Modem Port Setting set to "Use External Modem". Use of AppleTalk Remote Access is described more fully in the following item.
Port selection in applications like AppleTalk Remote Access now offers a dedicated GeoPort selection, as pictured in the Read me document.
To use ARA on the GeoPort Telecom Adapter, after selecting GeoPort Telecom Adapter under the Modem pop-up menu click the Port pop-up menu and select the GeoPort icon.
GeoPort Alerts
"You cannot use the Express Modem now because the sound output rate is incorrect. In the Sound control panel, set the Sound Output rate to 24kHz."
The sound output rate must be correctly set as explained in the manual for your Macintosh.
"You cannot use the Express Modem now because the GeoPort Telecom Adapter could not be found. Make sure that the correct GeoPort adapter is plugged into the Modem Port."
You have unplugged the GeoPort Telecom Adapter. It must be plugged into the Modem Port to use the Express Modem.
"You cannot use the Express Modem now because the modem hardware is busy. Try quitting other applications that may be using this hardware (for example, a speech program)."
You are using another application which uses the GeoPort Telecom Adapter. Only one application is allowed to use the GeoPort Telecom Adapter at one time. You should quit the other application and retry the connection.
"You cannot use the Express Modem now because an incompatible GeoPort Adapter is connected."
You have connected the wrong Adapter to the Modem Port (for example, a digital adapter). To use the Express Modem, you must use the GeoPort Telecom Adapter.
"You cannot use the Express Modem now because another application is currently using the GeoPort. Try quitting other applications that may be using GeoPort (for example, a speech program)."
You are using another application which uses the GeoPort Telecom Adapter. Only one application is allowed to use the GeoPort Telecom Adapter at one time. You should quit the other application and retry the connection.
"There is not enough memory to open the connection. Closing windows or quitting application programs can make more memory available."
You can also use virtual memory or acquire more memory from your dealer.
Express Modem Status Messages
"GeoPort Telecom Adapter is not connected."
Make sure that the GeoPort Telecom Adapter is connected to the Modem Port.
"Incompatible GeoPort Adapter is connected."
To use the Express Modem, make sure that the GeoPort Telecom Adapter is connected.
Express Fax Messages
"Manual fax reception has failed because the modem is not available. Please check that the modem is correctly set up."
To find out why manual fax reception failed, check the Express Modem control panel.
"Fax reception has been deactivated because the modem is not available. Please check that the modem is correctly set up."
To find out why manual fax reception failed, check the Express Modem control panel.
Express Modem Control Panel Messages
"GeoPort cannot be used at this time."
Only one application is allowed to use the GeoPort Telecom Adapter at one time. You should quit the other application and retry the connection.
"GeoPort is incompatible with current sound output rate."
In the Sound control panel, set the Sound Output rate to 24kHz.
"GeoPort Telecom Adapter was not connected."
The GeoPort Telecom Adapter must be plugged into the Modem Port to use the Express Modem.
"Incompatible GeoPort adapter was connected."
To use the Express Modem, make sure that the GeoPort Telecom Adapter is connected.