ClarisImpact 2.0v2 Updater
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The following is taken from the Read Me document that accompanies the ClarisImpact 2.0v2 Updater for Windows. This file is available for downloading from the Claris updates directory on the Apple Support Website collection of software updates.
Thank you for investing in Apple software. From time to time, we produce maintenance releases of our software. We add minor functionality,,correct defects, or respond to customer requests. We'd like to make it as convenient as possible for you to obtain these new versions and enjoy their benefits.
Updates, in contrast to upgrades, contain few changes from the previous version. Instead of distributing the full, revised application, we can provide just the files necessary to incorporate the new functionality and fixes. When you run the accompanying Updater, it will combine your original ClarisImpact 2.0v1 files with the new changes to create new ClarisImpact 2.0v2 files. The following file is updated with this updater:
Impact.exe - ClarisImpact 2.0v2 application
This document describes the steps you take to apply the update. You may want to print it out if this is the first update you've installed.
ClarisImpact 2.0v2 Updater will upgrade U.S. version 2.0v1 to the current U.S. release, 2.0v2. This Updater WILL NOT update any international versions of ClarisImpact.
Guide to updating your ClarisImpact 2.0 files
The ClarisImpact 2.0v2 Updater can run from a hard disk, floppy or a network disk drive.
A. Applying the update
Quit ClarisImpact, if you're using it.
Run the Windows program CIUP202.EXE included in this distribution. The updater will search for your current ClarisImpact 2.0 folder and bring up a dialog for you to select IMPACT.EXE. If you have multiple copies of ClarisImpact 2.0, navigate to the correct one. Select the file and click Open. The updater will ask you to confirm the location. Click Yes if it's correct or Cancel to start over again if it's wrong.
If any errors occur during the update process, the Updater will restore your files to their original state.
B. Technical Considerations
Hard Disk Space
You'll need approximately 5MB of free disk space.
Virus Detection Software
The Updater makes several changes to the resources in ClarisImpact. Many virus utilities consider this activity improper and may try to prevent
it. To avoid this inconvenience, disable all virus detection software before applying the update.