PowerBook 3400 Modem Driver Update 1.1f2
Article ID:
Name: PowerBook 3400 Modem Driver Update
Version: 1.1f2
Released: September 17, 1997
Requires: PowerBook 3400 with Internal Modem/Ethernet 33.6 card
Contains "PowerBook 3400 Ethernet" version 1.1f2 and "PowerBook 3400 Modem" version 1.1f2. Resolves issues with the PowerBook Internal Modem/Ethernet 33.6 card not resetting properly and intermittent Zmodem protocol transfers. This software is provided "as is" and is not supported by Apple technical support. A future System Update is expected to include the final versions of these drivers.
This software consists of a Disk Copy NDIF (New Disk Image Format) compressed image, which requires Disk Copy 6.1 or later to use. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. Disk Copy is available in the Utilities folder.
Disk Copy 6.1 (or later) or Disk Image Mounter 2.1 (or later) from Apple are the recommended applications to access all disk images released by Apple and are the only supported applications to access NDIF disk images.
From the Read Me included with this software:
Installing the Updated Drivers
Follow these steps to install the updated drivers.
1. Remove the original drivers, named PowerBook 3400 Ethernet and PowerBook 3400 Modem, from the Extensions folder inside the System Folder. (You can keep the old drivers or throw them away. If you keep them, be sure to remove them from System Folder and label them clearly.)
2. Copy the new drivers, PowerBook 3400 Ethernet 1.1 and PowerBook 3400 Modem 1.1, to the Extensions folder.
3. Restart your computer.
Important: If you reinstall the system software, you will need to reinstall these drivers after completing the software installation. Keep a copy of the drivers for this purpose.