Name: Sys 7.5 Upd 2.0 Custom Install
Version: 2.0
Released: October 8, 1996
Description: Revised installer script to allow for custom installs of System 7.5 Update 2.0 over System 7.5.5.
This software is available from Apple Support, Software Updates. It consists of a self-extracting archive. To use, download, double-click the downloaded file (this decompresses it).
From the Readme included with this archive:
System 7.5 Update 2.0 Custom Install Script For Customers Using System 7.5.5
After installing System 7.5.5 Update, you may find it necessary to reinstall components from System 7.5 Update 2.0. However, System 7.5 Update 2.0 will not allow installation of components on computers running System 7.5.5. The supported solution is to perform a clean install. In response to customer needs, Apple Computer is providing this unsupported installer script to allow the custom installation of System 7.5 Update 2.0 components. For example, if you have the need to install Open Transport 1.1, and have installed System 7.5.5 Update, you can use this unsupported script to install Open Transport 1.1 without performing a clean install.
Instructions For Use
Before using this installer script, it is extremely important that you perform the following instructions to ensure proper installation:
1. Make a backup of your system folder before attempting to use this unsupported installer script.
2. Open the Extensions Manager control panel.
3. Choose "System 7.5.5" from the Sets pop-up menu.
4. If you have third-party peripheral devices that are required for installation and that require an extension, turn those extensions back on. (Examples include video drivers, alternative input devices, network card drivers, and removable media.)
5. Restart your computer.
6. Locate the "System 7.5 Update 2.0 Install" icon that came with your original System 7.5 Update 2.0.
7. Drag the "Sys 7.5 Upd 2.0 Custom Install" icon on top of the "System 7.5 Update 2.0 Install" icon.
8. Select the components you wish to custom install.
9. Click on the "Install" button.
10. When the installation is complete, restart your computer.
11. Immediately reinstall System 7.5.5 Update by closely following the instructions in the document "About System 7.5.5 Update".
This custom installer script is not supported by Apple Computer. For customers using System 7.5 Update 2.0 to upgrade their computer to System 7.5.3, the supported solution is to perform a clean install of System 7.5 and then install System 7.5 Update 2.0. If you attempt to use this unsupported installer script and continue to experience problems, Apple Computer recommends that you follow the supported solution.