Article ID:


    AWS 95 Tune-Up (1.0)

    Copyright 1993 Apple Computer, Inc.

    This file is available on Apple Support Website, Apple Software Updates. It is a self-extracting archive of two Disk Copy 1440K disk images.

    To use, download, double-click the downloaded file (this decompresses it), and use Disk Copy to create the disks.

    Disk Copy can be found in the Utilities folder posted on SW Updates.



    The Apple Workgroup Server 95 Tune-Up is a set of enhancements to the A/UX operating system and AppleShare Pro. The tune-up software includes the System 7 Tune-Up, which upgrades the Macintosh system software running in the A/UX environment. (The System 7 Tune-Up file is called "System 7 Tuner.")

    Together, these enhancements improve the performance of your server in a number of ways:

    ŽæFile-management features work more smoothly, resulting in fewer problems with
    time-stamping, name changes to files and folders, and file locking. ŽæError handling and recovery are improved.
    ŽæSecurity is more effective; for example, the system checks UNIX¬ permissions
    of target files with symbolic links.
    ŽæHardware support is enhanced, including improved support for the AppleCD 300
    CD-ROM Drive, on-board video, and the Apple Hard Disk 230SC.

    To get the maximum performance and minimize problems with your server, it is important to install the Apple Workgroup Server 95 Tune-Up. This update tells you how to install the tune-up software, lists the files affected by the changes to the server software, describes in more detail the improvements provided by the tune-up, and lists changes of interest to developers.


    The tune-up Installer automatically installs the software that you need to take advantage of the enhancements. On all configurations of the AWS 95, it also automatically installs the System 7 Tune-Up.

    The Apple Workgroup Server 95 Tune-Up updates the A/UX operating system from version 3.0.1 to 3.0.2, and updates AppleShare Pro (if present on your server) from 1.0 to 1.0.1. The installation process doesn't affect any of the current kernel parameter settings.

    If AppleShare Pro is NOT installed on your server, you will only need Disk1.

    Before You Begin

    Before you begin the installation, be sure to back up all files and notify users that you will be shutting down the server in order to install the tune-up software. During the installation process, the system quits all programs running on the server; you must restart the server to complete the installation.

    To perform the installation, you must be logged in to the server as "root". If your server is set up with the default configuration for file and print services, and the Autologin feature is enabled, you should be logged in as "root" automatically when you start the server. If your server is configured as a database server, you must log in as "root" by means of the Login dialog box.

    Installing the Tune-Up Software

    Make sure that you are logged in as "root" and then follow these steps:

    1. Insert the disk labeled "AppleShare Workgroup Server 95 Tune-Up Disk 1."

    If the CommandShell application is the active application, the system displays this message: "This is a Macintosh disk. What do you want to use it as?" If this message appears, click the button labeled "Macintosh."

    2. Double-click the Installer icon.

    This message appears: "You can only install the AWS 95 Tune-Up on the root volume, '/.' Please click Switch Disk to choose this disk."

    3. Click Switch Disk until '/' is selected.

    4. Click the Install button.

    5. Click Continue to automatically quit all other running applications.

    The tune-up installation begins, and the system displays a progress bar and status messages during the process.

    6. If AppleShare Pro is installed on your server, the system prompts you to insert Disk 2, then to re-insert Disk 1.

    The kernel is reconfigured; this process may take several minutes. After your server has loaded all of the appropriate tune-up software, the message "Installation successful" appears.

    7. Click the Restart button to complete the installation.

    NOTE: If you routinely back up the server's system files (for example, to tape), you should make a new backup after performing the installation, as the system files will have been upgraded.

    Re-Installing Appleshare Pro

    If you use version 1.0 of the AppleShare Installer to re-install AppleShare Pro after installing the tune-up, your server displays the message "You must be running A/UX version 3.0.1 when performing this installation." To perform the AppleShare Pro installation, click the Customize button, select all the items listed in the Customize dialog box, then click Install (not Easy Install). Then re-install the tune-up in order to update your system with the latest version of AppleShare Pro.

    For details on installing AppleShare Pro, see "AppleShare Pro Administrator's Guide."


    The file "System 7 Tuner" has been upgraded to version 1.1.1. The following files have also been updated in the tune-up software.

    Ž A/UX files:


    Ž AppleShare files:

    AppleShare Pro Admin
    AppleShare Pro File Server
    File Server Extension


    The tune-up software differs from the software originally shipped with the AWS 95 in the following ways.

    A/UX Changes

    ŽæThe tune-up installs A/UX version 3.0.2 on the system.

    Ž The system maintains the modification date and time on folders and files

    Ž You can change the case of a Macintosh filename--for example, from "filename"
    to "FILENAME".

    Ž The tune-up provides improved security when the utilities "rcp", "rdist", and
    "tip" are used.

    Ž Files and folders that are unlocked remain unlocked unless a user
    deliberately locks them.

    Ž The system maintains the modification date for files manipulated by means of
    Adobe Illustrator 3.2.

    Ž Users who do not have "root" privileges can no longer gain write access to
    files pointed to by symbolic links, UNLESS the UNIX permissions on the target
    file grant write access to the entire world.

    Ž Symbolic links to a directory are also intercepted if the target directory
    does not have read/write permission for the world. As a side effect, in this
    case, users will not be able to remove the symbolic link by dragging it to
    the trash.

    Ž If the Desktop database becomes corrupted because of a crash, it will
    automatically be rebuilt the next time the system is started.

    Ž The Alias Manager correctly resolves the pathname for files or folders that
    are created on the desktop.

    Ž Read and Write commands are issued asynchronously for files opened by means
    of the extended FCB mechanism, which is used by AppleShare to support more
    than 348 concurrently open files. As a result, server performance is

    Ž The file Autologin.4.Z provides the correct manual ("man") page for
    Autologin, replacing the page shipped with A/UX 3.0.1. This file is updated
    only if the UNIX manual pages are installed on the system.

    Ž File IDs are persistent across a system crash. The file ID daemon ("fidd")
    now flushes its database (which contains the file-ID-to-UNIX-pathname
    mappings) to the disk within 30 seconds of the addition of a new entry.

    Ž Date searches around Jan 1, 1977 are performed correctly. Dates are now
    stored as signed longs.

    Ž A problem with accessing the system parameter RAM, which could cause on-board
    video to be nonfunctional at system startup, has been corrected.

    Ž The driver for the AppleCD 300 CD-ROM Drive provides improved support for all
    versions of the drive-unit ROMs. However, it is recommended that old ROMs be
    upgraded, since they can cause the SCSI bus to hang. The system will notify
    you if it encounters an old AppleCD 300 drive-unit ROM.

    Ž The size of each internal system cache has been increased to improve system

    Ž Users can start up the system whether or not a keyboard or mouse is attached.

    Ž Drive entries for the Apple Hard Disk 230SC and the Hard Disk 400SC have been
    added to the "disktab" database.

    AppleShare Pro Changes

    Ž The tune-up installs version 1.0.1 of AppleShare Pro on the system.

    Ž The amount of free space available on a disk is now returned correctly to the
    AppleShare client.

    Ž The write algorithm for the AppleShare Pro Server has been fixed so that it
    no longer schedules a write operation as a deferred task to a deferred task.
    As a result, server performance is improved.

    Ž Users can perform searches of the Desktop database without risk of running
    out of stack space and crashing the system.

    Ž The number of shareable items is no longer limited.

    Ž PC clients get a correct directory listing when the user types the "dir"

    Ž Files can be read nonsequentially without risk of the return of an erroneous

    Ž The "Copy to" function of AppleShare Pro Admin uses the mount point that was
    the intended target. (In the original version, the free space available on
    the "/" partition was sometimes, incorrectly, used instead.)


    Ž The PPCWrite function (or trap) no longer sends out duplicate ADSP packets.

    Ž The "exchangeFiles" trap correctly preserves the fork lengths in all cases
    (UNIX file system only).

    Ž The Time Manager returns accurately the unexpired time for a "RmvTime" trap.
    As a result, write performance to servers on busy networks is improved.

    Ž The "Rename" trap functions correctly when subpaths containing folders are
    specified (that is, when the pathname is not absolute or just a simple

    Ž The PBHDelete function (or trap) performs correctly even if no file or folder
    name is specified (that is, if only a dirID is set in the parameter block).

    Ž The ADSP driver on the server correctly reports an error condition if a
    client crashes.

    Ž The performance of "catsearch" by dirID (that is, return all files and
    folders whose parent dirID matches the specified dirID) has been improved by
    at least a factor of 2.

    Ž The handling of "eofErr" at the end of a search performed by a call to
    "catsearch" has been corrected. When the "eofErr" is encountered, the system
    returns the last block of matches.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Workgroup Servers
Sub Category: Workgroup Server 95

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.