Name: Newton Backup Utility
Version: 1.0
Released: January 25, 1996
Description: Allows you to back up Newton information and store it on your computer, install packages on your Newton PDA, and restore backed-up information to your Newton PDA. Requires Newton OS version 2.0. For complete information, please see the Read Me included in this archive.
This software is available in two formats (.sea and .exe) and can be found on the Apple Support Website, Apple Software Updates:
1. A Macintosh self-extracting archive of DOS files. To use, download, then double-click the downloaded file to decompress it.
2. A DOS self-extracting archive of DOS files. To use, download this file, then run to expand the archive to your hard drive.
From the Read Me included in this archive:
Newton Backup Utility Online Read Me
About the Newton Backup Utility
With the Newton Backup Utility, you can connect your Apple MessagePad or other Newton personal digital assistant (PDA) to your computer and do the following:
' Back up Newton information and store it on your computer.
' Install packages (applications, system updates, and so on) on your Newton PDA.
' Restore backed-up information to your Newton PDA.
The Newton Backup Utility only works with Newton PDAs that use the Newton 2.0 operating system.
You can also use the utility to transfer information from a Newton PDA that uses an earlier version of the operating system. For more information, see the upgrade instructions (Transfer Instructions.pdf) that are included with this utility.
If you have a Newton PDA that uses version 1.0-1.05, 1.11, or 1.3 of the Newton operating system and you don't plan to upgrade, you should use the Newton Connection Kit 2.0 instead of the Newton Backup Utility.
What's included
The following items are included in the online version of the Newton Backup Utility:
' Software License
' Online ReadMe
' Net Install
' Transfer Instructions
Software License
You must read and agree to the terms of the software license agreement to use this software. By installing the software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the license. If you do not agree to the terms of the license, you are not authorized to install this software.
Online Read Me
Details for the online version of Newton Backup Utility.
Net Install
Installer for the online version of the Newton Backup Utility software for Macintosh version 1.0.
Transfer Instructions
Instructions for transferring information from a Newton PDA using an earlier version of the operating system to a PDA running the Newton 2.0 operating system.
Installation requirements
To use the Newton Backup Utility, you need the following:
' A computer using the Macintosh operating system with a 68030 or better microprocessor
' Software version 7.0 or higher
' 4 megabytes (MB) of total RAM with 2 MB available
' a hard disk drive with 3 MB of available disk space
' an available printer or modem port
' a serial or AppleTalk cable
Install Instructions
1. Double click on the "Net Install" folder.
2. Double click on the file "Install NBU".
3. Single click on the "Install" button to perform an Easy Install.
Using the Documentation
Two pieces of documentation, the NBU User's Guide and the Transfer Instructions are provided in PDF format. They can be opened using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you donÍt have Acrobat Reader, you can download it from an online service or call and request a copy from Adobe Systems. Call 1-800-272-3623 (U.S. customers only) or contact your local Adobe Systems distributor. Acrobat Reader is included with new Apple Macintosh computers shipping since July 1995. If you donÍt have immediate access to Acrobat Reader, refer to the NBU Summary located in the Newton Backup Utility folder.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available online at the following locations:
(subject to change without prior notice)