Apple Modem Updater 1.2.1 Read Me
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This article comprises the Read Me for Apple Modem Updater 1.2.1. This software was released by Apple on October 16, 1998 and is available for downloading from Apple Software Updates Online. Please use the following URL to access the download document in the Software Updates Library:
If you have questions as to when to install available updaters, the following Knowledge Base article can assist you: Article 58174: "
iMac: When to Install Available Updaters
" .
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Important Information About the Apple Modem Updater
This updater supports the internal modem which came with your PowerBook G3 Series or iMac computer.
Your existing modem was originally shipped with the latest firmware available, however, 56K modems are still in their infancy and will be undergoing changes over the next several months. The Apple Modem Updater installs the most recent Rockwell firmware, based on version 2.2.
This document also contains several references to articles in the Knowledge Base that discuss modem connectivity issues. These articles are recommended reading for better a understanding of 56K modem technology.
What The Apple Modem Updater Does
The Apple Modem Updater will update the modem in the iMac as well as the modem in the PowerBook G3 Series (both the K56flex only modem shipping in earlier PowerBook G3 Series and the V.90 compliant modem currently shipping in the PowerBook G3 Series). The updater installs version 2.2 of the Rockwell firmware which contains the most recent versions of both the V.90 and the K56flex protocols. The modems can use either the K56flex or V.90 protocols and will automatically negotiate with the service provider to use the appropriate one.
After you have updated the modem you may notice that the connection speed that is reported when you first establish a connection may be lower than it was prior to the upgrade, however the modem throughput will be at least as good and often better than before the upgrade. Throughput is the measure of how quickly a certain amount of data is transferred from one modem to another. It is important to remember that the connection speed that is reported is only the initial connection speed. The modems will adjust their communications speed as line conditions require. A faster connection speed does not necessarily indicate a higher throughput, factors like resending data due to noise on the phone lines will lower overall throughput.
This is discussed in more detail in Knowledge Base article 30734, "
V.90 Protocol: Connectivity Discussion
" and Knowledge Base article 24482, "
56Kbps Modems: Getting The Fastest Connection
Updating The Modem
Before updating your modem, make sure the modem and modem port are not in use. Turn answering off in fax or other communications programs. Log off any open Internet/modem connections. (Disconnecting the phone line will force any active modem connections to be closed.)
If you are updating a modem in a PowerBook, connect the PowerBook to the AC adapter to guarantee an uninterrupted supply of electricity to the PowerBook.
Do not cancel the installation process once you start updating; canceling the upgrade process will damage the modem. This modem updater may take up to five minutes to complete.
To update your modem:
1. Double click on the Apple Modem Updater icon.
2. Click Start.
Status messages appear as the updater locates the modem and checks for the current firmware version and type of modem.
3. Click Done when the update is complete.
4. For PowerBook G3 users:
-- Drag copy the file PowerBook G3 Internal 56K (located in the "For PowerBook G3 Users" folder) into the Modem Scripts folder, located in the Extensions folder within the System Folder
-- Click OK to replace any existing file
-- Open the Modem control panel and select:
PowerBook G3 Internal 56K (for PowerBook G3 Series users)
You do not need to restart your computer after updating the modem firmware.
If you have installed a V.34 modem script, open the Modem control panel and select:
-- PowerBook G3 Internal 56K (for PowerBook G3 Series users)
-- iMac Internal 56K (for iMac users)
: The V.34 script forces the V.90 modem to connect at V.34 speeds and was recommended if you had problems connecting in V.90 mode. See Knowledge Base article 22234, "
iMac: V.34 Modem Script
Note: In the future, Apple may release updated modem scripts (CCL's). Be sure to select the most recent modem script in the Modem control panel. Check the Apple support web site for the latest information and software:
If you experience a problem with the Apple Modem Updater, shut down your computer for 40 seconds to reset the modem. Restarting the computer will not reset the modem. Then begin the modem firmware upgrade process again.
If V.90 connection reliability issues still exist after updating the modem, reselect the V.34 modem script.
Future Modem Software
New firmware updates, modem scripts, and modem drivers may be released for 56K modems until the technology stabilizes. For more information on V.90 modem upgrade information, see Apple's support web site: