AirPort 1.1: About AirPort
Article ID:


    This document provides late-breaking news about the AirPort software and AirPort Base Station. For information on using the AirPort software and AirPort Base Station (including the new features in AirPort version 1.1) see the wireless and Internet section of Mac Help, available in the Help menu. If you cannot find the information you are looking for in Mac Help or in this document, check out the Apple Support Web site at www.apple.com/support

    Note: AirPort 1.2 was released by Apple on 12 June 2000. It is available for downloading from the Apple Software Updates Web site at http://www.apple.com/swupdates/ .

    Click the following link to download the English-North American version of AirPort 1.2:
    http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n11570 .


    System requirements
    Problems installing the AirPort software
    Important information about upgrading base station software
    Connecting to a new AirPort Base Station using the AirPort Admin Utility
    Troubleshooting AirPort Base Station setup
    Using the AirPort Setup Assistant
    Internet service provider (ISP) compatibility

    Troubleshooting Internet access
    If you tried to use Remote Access to connect to the Internet
    Troubleshooting dial-up (PPP) Internet connections
    If you see an error message when you try to connect to the Internet

    Troubleshooting AirPort network access
    Problems with a computer-to-computer AirPort connection
    Problems accessing a network created by an AirPort Base Station
    Performance problems when connected to an AirPort network
    Problems accessing a network created by an AirPort software base station

    Notes about using the AirPort software
    Reconnecting to networks after waking from sleep
    Manually disconnecting the AirPort Base Station from the Internet
    Using BootP
    Switching networks
    Ejecting a Lucent WaveLAN PC Card
    Using Access Control

    Notes about the AirPort Admin Utility
    Configuring an AirPort Base Station
    Configuring a third party base station
    Problems using the Reset button
    Problems using Ethernet to connect to the AirPort Admin Utility
    Dial-up Internet connections and Internet sharing
    Incorrect checkbox names in Mac Help

    Notes about the AirPort Base Station
    Using multiple AirPort Base Stations on the same network
    AirPort Base Station automatically connects to the Internet
    Access Control
    Connecting to a base station using third-party wireless software
    Reinstalling base station software (firmware)

    Notes about an AirPort software base station
    About software base station
    Using Remote Access to connect to the Internet
    TCP/IP configurations when using software base station
    Problems using your computer as a software base station
    Printing Using AppleTalk
    File sharing
    Using your computer as an AirPort software base station
    Switching network settings while functioning as a software base station
    Connecting non-AirPort-equipped computers to a software base station

    Notes about compatibility

    Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process used by the AirPort Base Station to share a single IP address. Some features of the following applications do not work with NAT by default. In some cases they can be made to work through port mapping on the Base Station.

    For more information on application compatibility, see the Apple Support Web Site at www.apple.com/support. For information on NAT and configuring port mapping see Mac Help (available from the Help menu).

    System Requirements
    This version of the AirPort software requires the following:

    • AirPort-capable computer with an internal AirPort Card installed and Mac OS 8.6 or later installed
    • PowerBook G3 series computers with a Lucent WaveLAN IEEE 11Mb PC Card and Mac OS 9.0 or later installed

    Problems installing the AirPort software
    If you are unable to install AirPort on your computer restart your computer with the base set of system extensions and then install the AirPort software by doing the following:

    1. Choose Control Panels from the Apple menu and then choose Extensions Manager from the sub menu that appears.

    2. Choose "Mac OS 9.0 Base" from the Selected Set pop-up menu.

    3. Click Restart.

    4. After the computer restarts, open the Extensions Manager and switch back to your previous settings.

    5. Close the Extensions Manager.

    6. Try to install the AirPort software again.

    Important information about upgrading base station software
    If you are upgrading to version 1.1 of the AirPort software from a previous version, you should also upgrade the software in your AirPort Base Station. The new version of the base station software includes additional features, such as access control and active roaming, and is optimized for AirPort 1.1.

    Upgrading the base station software is also necessary if you want to use the AirPort Setup Assistant to configure a new base station that has version 1.0 of the base station software.

    IMPORTANT If you want to use the AirPort Admin Utility to update the base station software for a new base station that has never been configured, you need to configure your computer to connect to the base station using AirPort and connect to the base station using its default IP address. Follow the instructions in the next section to use the AirPort Admin Utility to configure your computer to connect to a new AirPort Base Station. When you are connected to the base station and the configure base station window is open, choose Upload Default Software from the Base Station menu. Then you can use the AirPort Setup Assistant to configure the base station.

    To upgrade the software on a base station that has already been configured, do the following:
    1. Make sure that your computer is connected to the AirPort network created by your AirPort Base Station.

    2. Open the AirPort Admin Utility.

    3. Select your base station from the list.

    4. Click Configure.

    5. Choose Upload Default Software from the Base Station menu.

    After the software has been loaded, the configuration window will close and the base station will restart. All of your base station settings will remain.

    Note: If a newer version of the AirPort software is released separately (not as part of a complete upgrade to the AirPort software), you can use the AirPort Admin Utility to upgrade the software by choosing Upload Software from the Base Station menu and then selecting the base station software file.

    Connecting to a new AirPort Base Station using the AirPort Admin Utility
    If you want to configure your AirPort Base Station using the AirPort Admin Utility instead of the AirPort Setup Assistant, do the following:

    IMPORTANT You should only use the AirPort Admin Utility to configure a new base station if you feel comfortable with network configuration.

    1. Turn AirPort on in the AirPort application or AirPort portion of the Control Strip.

    2. Open the TCP/IP control panel and choose Configurations from the File menu.

    3. Select an existing configuration and click Duplicate.

    4. Name the configuration "AirPort" and click OK.

    5. Make sure your new configuration is selected and then click Make Active.

    6. Choose AirPort from the Connect via pop-up menu.

    7. Choose Using DHCP Server from the Configure pop-up menu.

    8. Close the TCP/IP control panel and when prompted save your changes.

    You may notice a slight delay after you close the TCP/IP control panel.

    9. Open the AirPort Admin Utility (located in the AirPort folder inside the Apple Extras folder on your hard disk.)

    10. When the Select Base Station window appears, make sure that your base station appears in the list. (The base station will appear by its default name and IP address.)

    11. Click Other.

    12. When prompted enter "" in the IP Address box and "public" in the password box.

    Note: may already be entered in the IP address box.

    13. Click OK.

    The Configure base station window will appear.

    14. Use the different tabs to enter the configuration information for your base station. When finished, click Update.

    For information on the different items in the AirPort Admin Utility, choose Show Balloons from the Help menu and then point to the item you are interested in.

    Troubleshooting AirPort Base Station setup

    Using the AirPort Setup Assistant
    Before using the AirPort Setup Assistant, make sure that the Internet connection is set up properly on the computer that you are going to use to configure the base station. As part of the setup process, the assistant will transfer your existing Internet settings from your computer to the AirPort Base Station. If your computer's Internet settings are not correct, the base station will not be configured properly.

    The AirPort Setup Assistant creates new TCP/IP and AppleTalk configurations that use AirPort as their connection. In addition, the TCP/IP connection is set to be configured using a DHCP server so that it can obtain its IP address from the AirPort Base Station.

    To use the AirPort Setup Assistant to reconfigure an AirPort Base Station, the base station must have the "Distribute IP addresses" option turned on and be set to share a single IP address using DHCP and NAT. By default these two options are turned on and can only be turned off using the AirPort Admin Utility. If you have turned off either of these options, use the AirPort Admin Utility to reconfigure your base station.

    Internet Service Provider (ISP) Compatibility
    To use the AirPort Base Station internal modem for Internet access, you must have an account with an ISP that uses standard Internet protocols. The AirPort Base Station cannot be used for Internet access with ISPs that use non-standard methods to connect to the Internet, such as the current version of America Online. In addition, ISP accounts that use connection scripts or terminal login windows are not supported. For more information, contact your ISP.

    Note: Certain AirPort compatible connection scripts have been provided and can be selected in the AirPort Setup Assistant or AirPort Admin Utility.

    Troubleshooting Internet Access

    If you've tried to use Remote Access to connect to the Internet

    You can't use the Remote Access control panel or the Remote Access portion of the Control Strip to connect to the Internet using AirPort. To connect to the Internet using an AirPort Base Station that is connected to a standard phone line, open the AirPort application and click the Connect button.

    Troubleshooting dial-up (PPP) Internet connections
    If you are unable to connect to the Internet using the AirPort Base Station, try the following solutions until you are able to connect the base station to the Internet.

    • Make sure that your ISP meets the various AirPort requirements listed earlier in this document.
    • Check your network connections to make sure that all cables (phone line or Ethernet cable) are securely connected to the base station. Test the telephone connection to make sure there is a dial tone.
    • Make sure that the TCP/IP control panel is set to connect using AirPort and that it is set to be configured using a DHCP server. (Note: The AirPort application and Control Strip let you select an AirPort network even if TCP/IP is not set to connect using AirPort, however you won't be able to use AirPort to connect to the Internet.)
    • Make sure that your AirPort network is selected in the AirPort application or Control Strip.
    • Click the Connect button in the AirPort application and then monitor the AirPort Base Station status to make sure that it is is not getting a busy signal from your ISP.
    • Restart your base station by plugging and unplugging the base station power adapter and try the connection again.
    • Test your Internet connection with your computer's built-in modem. Make sure to switch your TCP/IP settings to match your built-in modem before testing the connection.
    • Use the AirPort Admin Utility (available in the AirPort folder inside the Apple Extras folder) to edit your base station settings. Open the AirPort Admin Utility, select your base station, and click configure. The ISP settings for the base station are available in the Internet tab. Verify all of the information in this section with your ISP.
    • Use the AirPort Admin Utility to set the modem to communicate using v.34 instead of v.90. Open the AirPort Admin Utility, select your base station and click Configure. When the configuration window opens click the Internet tab and choose "Modem (v.34)" from the Connect Using pop-up menu. Then click Update to change the base station settings.

    If you see an error message when you try to connect to the Internet
    When you open an application that requires a connection to the Internet, your AirPort Base Station starts the connection process with your ISP. The time it takes the AirPort Base Station modem to make the connection depends on the condition of your telephone line and which ISP you are connecting to.

    You may see an error message indicating that a connection error occurred. Click the Connect button in the AirPort application and wait until the application indicates that the base station is connected. Then use your Web browser to go to another Web page.

    Troubleshooting AirPort network access

    Problems with a computer-to-computer AirPort connection
    If you are unable to use AirPort to access another AirPort-equipped computer, try the following:
    • Make sure that the TCP/IP and AppleTalk control panels on both your computer and the computer you are trying to connect to are set to use AirPort.
    • Make sure that you select Computer to Computer in either the AirPort application or AirPort portion of the Control Strip.
    • Make sure that the two computers are within range of each other (the typical range for an AirPort connection is up to 150 feet). Try moving the two computers closer together.
    • Make sure that there are no sources of interference, such as a microwave oven or 2.4 GHz cordless phone. (A list of interference sources is available in Mac Help.)
    • Make sure that file sharing is turned on in the File Sharing control panel (on both your computer and the computer you are trying to connect to). If file sharing is turned off, you will be unable to see the other computer in the Chooser or Network Browser.
    • If both computers are using Mac OS 9.0 or later, use TCP/IP File Sharing instead of AppleTalk. Make sure that the Enable File Sharing clients to connect over TCP/IP checkbox is selected in the File Sharing control panel of both computers and then choose Network Browser from the Apple menu. The other computer should appear in the Local Service Network neighborhood.

    Problems accessing a network created by an AirPort Base Station
    If you are unable to access a network created by an AirPort Base Station, try the following:
    • Make sure that AirPort is turned on in the AirPort portion of the Control Strip or AirPort application.
    • If the network is not visible, make sure that your computer is in range of the AirPort Base Station (the typical range for an AirPort connection is up to 150 feet). Try moving closer to the base station.
    • Make sure that there are no sources of interference, such as a microwave oven or 2.4 GHz cordless phone. (A complete list of interference sources is available in Mac Help.)
    • Restart your base station by plugging and unplugging the base station power adapter and try the connection again.

    Performance problems when connected to an AirPort network
    If you are experiencing performance problems (such as long download times), make sure that your computer is not near any source of interference, such as a microwave oven or 2.4 GHz cordless phone. (A list of interference sources is available in Mac Help.)

    Problems accessing a network created by an AirPort software base station
    If you are unable to access a network created by an AirPort software base station try the following:
    Make sure that the computer functioning as the AirPort software base station is not shut down or in sleep.
    Open the AirPort application, click Software Base Station, and make sure that software base station is turned on.

    Notes about using the AirPort software

    Reconnecting to networks after waking from sleep
    Remote servers mounted on your computer's desktop will not reappear after the computer wakes from sleep if the connection is made using AirPort.

    Manually disconnecting the AirPort Base Station from the Internet
    To disconnect the AirPort Base Station from the Internet, click the Disconnect button in the AirPort application After disconnecting it may take up to one minute before the base station is ready to connect to the Internet again.

    Using BootP
    The current version of the AirPort software only lets you set a fixed IP address or obtain an IP address using DHCP. Do not set your TCP/IP control panel to use BootP when connecting over AirPort. Using BootP to configure your connection may cause unexpected results.

    Switching networks
    Switching wireless networks will interrupt any network services currently in progress. For example, if you switch networks while transferring a file, the file transfer process will be interrupted.

    Ejecting a Lucent WaveLAN PC Card
    The Lucent WaveLAN PC Card cannot be ejected when the TCP/IP or AppleTalk control panels are set to connect using AirPort (even if AirPort is turned off). To eject the the Lucent WaveLAN PC Card, switch your TCP/IP and AppleTalk configurations, then drag the card to the Trash.

    If you shutdown your computer, remove the Lucent WaveLan PC Card, and do not have the card inserted the next time you startup, your computer may not be able to access the network. If this occurs, open the AppleTalk or TCP/IP control panel, switch your network settings and then close the control panel. Then open either control panel again and reselect AirPort and close the control panel. Just opening a closing either control panel may also correct this problem.

    Using Access Control
    You can restrict access to a wired network connected to your AirPort Base Station (or computer functioning as a software base station) based on the AirPort ID of the AirPort Card installed in a computer.

    Access Control prevents computers not in the access control list from accessing the wired network attached to the base station. However, in the case of an AirPort Base Station access control will not prevent access to other computers on the AirPort network.

    Notes about the AirPort Admin Utility

    Configuring an AirPort Base Station
    The AirPort Admin Utility is designed to provide network administrators advanced base station configuration options. Most users will be able to configure all of the necessary base station settings using the AirPort Setup Assistant.

    Configuring a third-party base station
    The AirPort Admin Utility cannot be used to configure a non-AirPort base station.

    Problems using the Reset button
    Pressing the Reset button on the bottom of the base station for one second temporarily resets the base station password, network password, and IP address, allowing you to change these settings using the AirPort Admin Utility. After entering new passwords and a new IP address (if necessary), make sure to click Re-scan in the Select Base Station window. If you do not click Re-scan, you may be prompted to enter the password and IP address again.

    If after resetting your AirPort Base Station no items are visible in the AirPort Admin Utility, make sure that the AirPort network created by the base station is selected in the AirPort application or Control Strip. If the AirPort network is selected, switch the network to Computer to Computer and then back to your AirPort network and then click Re-scan in the AirPort Admin Utility.

    Problems using Ethernet to connect to the AirPort Admin Utility
    You cannot use Ethernet to communicate with an AirPort base station if your computer is on a different subnet as the base station, even if the base station appears in the AirPort Admin Utility. This may occur after you have reinstalled the AirPort Base Station software or have changed the IP address of the base station. If you encounter this problem, try to communicate using an AirPort connection instead. If when connecting using AirPort your base station appears in the AirPort Admin Utility but you are still unable to access it, click Other in the Select Base Station window and enter an IP address of "".

    Dial-up Internet connections and Internet sharing
    If you use the internal modem in the AirPort Base Station to connect to the Internet, do not change the default settings in the Network tab in the AirPort Admin Utility. The settings available in the Network tab are for AirPort Base Stations connected to a cable modem, DSL modem, or Ethernet network. Changing these settings for a base station connected to the Internet using the internal modem may cause unexpected results. The default settings for the Network tab are the following:

    "Distribute IP addresses" checkbox selected.
    "Share a single IP address (using NAT & DHCP)" button selected.

    Incorrect checkbox names in Mac Help
    The wireless Internet and networking section of Mac Help incorrectly references the names of two checkboxes in the Network Tab of the AirPort Admin Utility. The "Allow DHCP over Ethernet" checkbox is titled "Also provide IP addresses on Ethernet" and the "Share Internet Connection" checkbox is titled "Distribute IP addresses".

    Notes about the AirPort Base Station

    Using multiple AirPort Base Stations on the same network
    Multiple AirPort Base Stations can be set up to create a single wireless network (a process known as active roaming). Base station active roaming is configured using the AirPort Admin Utility.

    To set up active roaming, make sure that you do the following:

    • Attach all of the AirPort Base Stations to the same subnet on your Ethernet network.
    • Give the same network name and password to each AirPort Base Station.

    When you enable roaming, if you want also want the AirPort Base Station to assign IP addresses using DHCP, also do the following:
    • Set one base station to act as the DHCP server. (All other base stations should have Internet sharing turned off.)
    • Make sure that the base station set to act as the DHCP server assigns a range of real IP
      addresses. The private IP addresses used by Network Address Translation cannot be used for roaming.
    • Make sure that the "Allow DHCP over Ethernet" checkbox in the Network tab of the AirPort Admin Utility is selected.

    IMPORTANT NAT cannot be used when roaming is enabled. Wireless computers must be assigned real IP addresses using DHCP or assigned a fixed IP address.

    AirPort Base Station automatically connects to the Internet
    The AirPort Base Station automatically initiates a connection to the Internet whenever any application, such as your Web browser or e-mail program, makes an Internet request. Applications that try to access the Internet, such as the File Sharing control panel, may initiate a connection. Because of this, it may appear that the base station is dialing on its own. Check the settings of any application that may be making Internet requests automatically.

    Access Control
    The AirPort Base Station supports restricting access based on the AirPort ID of the AirPort Card installed in a computer. To enable Access Control you need to upgrade your base station using the base station software provided with version 1.1 of the AirPort software.

    Connecting to an AirPort Base Station using third-party wireless software
    If you are using a computer with wireless software other than AirPort, you may be able to connect to the AirPort Base Station and use it for Internet access. However, the network password you enter is different from the one AirPort users enter.

    To find the network equivalent password for your AirPort Base Station, do the following:

    1. Open the AirPort Admin Utility.

    2. Select your base station from the list.

    3. Click Configure.

    4. When prompted, enter the password for your base station.

    5. Choose Network Equivalent Password from the Base Station menu.

    The window will display the network equivalent password for your base station.

    Reinstalling base station software (firmware)
    If your AirPort Base Station stops responding completely, you need to reset the base station and then reinstall the base station software (perform a forced reload). Reinstalling the base station software may be useful when troubleshooting a base station problem because it will restore the base station to its factory default state allowing you to reconfigure it using the AirPort Setup Assistant or AirPort Admin Utility.

    IMPORTANT You should only reset the base station and reinstall the software if all other methods of accessing the base station fail. Your computer must be directly connected to the base station using an Ethernet crossover cable or an Ethernet hub. You cannot configure the base station using a wireless connection. All settings will be lost.

    To reset the base station and reinstall the software, do the following:

    1. Connect your computer to the AirPort Base Station using Ethernet. You can connect directly to the base station using an Ethernet crossover cable, or you can connect through an Ethernet hub using standard Ethernet cables.

    2. Set the TCP/IP control panel to connect using Ethernet and close the control panel.

    You may notice a brief system delay after closing the control panel.

    3. Disconnect the power adapter from the base station and then reconnect it.

    4. When all three status lights glow amber, insert the end of a paper clip into the reset button hole on the bottom of the base station.

    5. Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds.

    The middle AirPort Base Station status light glows amber. If the light glows green, you pressed the reset button too late. Go back to step 3 and try again.

    6. Double-click the AirPort Admin Utility (located in the AirPort folder inside the Apple Extras folder).

    After a brief delay, a list of base stations appears. If the AirPort Admin Utility is already open, click the Re-scan button.

    7. Select your base station from the list and click Configure. (The base station name will be set to the Ethernet ID of the base station, for example "00-50-E4-5B-8F-EA".)

    8. Follow the onscreen instructions to reinstall your AirPort Base Station software.

    Note: The AirPort Base Station password is set to "public".

    9. Use the AirPort Setup Assistant to reconfigure the base station.

    IMPORTANT If you use the AirPort Setup Assistant to reconfigure the AirPort Base Station after reinstalling base station software, make sure that you select the correct set of TCP/IP settings to use to configure the base station. Because you changed your current TCP/IP configuration to Ethernet, you may have a TCP/IP configuration titled "AirPort" that uses Ethernet. When prompted to select a configuration in the AirPort Setup Assistant, do not use this configuration.

    If you want to use the AirPort Admin Utility to reconfigure your base station instead of using the AirPort Setup Assistant, set the TCP/IP control panel back to connect using AirPort, if necessary select the AirPort network from the AirPort application or Control Strip, click Re-scan in the AirPort Admin Utility, select your base station and click Configure, and when prompted for a password enter "public".

    Notes about an AirPort software base station

    About Software Base Station

    AirPort 1.1 contains a preview version of the new software base station feature.This feature allows an AirPort-enabled computer to function as a Base Station for an AirPort network. An updated version of the software Base Station feature will be available soon from Apple. For the latest information, go to Apple's Support Web site at http://www.apple.com/support .

    Using Remote Access to connect to the Internet

    If you use Remote Access to connect to the Internet, you must have a user name and password and the "Save password" checkbox must be selected. In addition, you must also have the "Connect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications" checkbox selected in the Options window.

    TCP/IP configurations when using software base station

    When you turn on software base station it will use your computer's current Internet settings (including the settings in current TCP/IP configuration) to connect to the Internet. However, if you open the TCP/IP control panel while the computer is functioning as a software base station and using PPP to connect to the Internet, you will see a TCP/IP configuration named "AirPort AP" that has AirPort as its connect via method. This configuration is only active while your computer is functioning as a software base station. The TCP/IP configuration the software base station used to connect to the Internet will be reset when you turn off the software base station.

    Problems Using Your Computer as a Software Base Station

    If you have problems when using your computer as an AirPort software base station, turn it off using the AirPort application and then delete the "AirPort Prefs" and "AirPort AP Configuration" files from the Preferences folder located insider the System Folder. Then use the AirPort Setup Assistant to set up the software base station again.

    Printing using AppleTalk

    Computers connected to an AirPort software base station will not be able to use AppleTalk for printing. The AirPort software base station only supports printing using TCP/IP.

    File sharing

    Computers connected to an AirPort software base station will only be able to use TCP/IP file sharing to access computers attached to the software base station using Ethernet. Use the Network Browser (available in the Apple menu) to connect to another computer using TCP/IP. For more information on setting up file sharing using TCP/IP, see Mac Help.

    Using your computer as an AirPort software base station

    If you set up your computer to be an AirPort software base station, make sure to configure its Energy Saver settings that it does not go to sleep.

    Switching network settings while functioning as a software base station

    Changing Internet or network settings while your computer is functioning as a software base station will cause unexpected results. Before switching network settings, turn the software base station off.

    Connecting non-AirPort-equipped computers to an AirPort software base station

    You can connect a non-AirPort equipped computer to a software base station so that you can share the Internet connection. However, if you use Ethernet as your connection to the Internet computers connected to a software base station also using Ethernet must manually configure TCP/IP instead of using DHCP. On computers using Ethernet, set the configure method in the TCP/IP control panel to Manually and enter an IP address in the range of to

    In addition, enter in the the Subnet mask box and enter in the Router address box. To determine the value to enter in the Name server addr. box, open the TCP/IP control panel on the computer functioning as the software base station and enter the same value that appears there. In addition to manually configuring TCP/IP on the other computers, select the "Also provide IP addresses on Ethernet" checkbox in Network tab of the software base station window (available in the AirPort application).

    Notes about compatibility

    Applications not compatible with network address translation (NAT)

    The following applications are not compatible with NAT (the process used by the AirPort Base Station to share a single IP address).

    • StarCraft
    • ICQ
    • Retrospect Remote
    • DAVE
    • Timbuktu
    • Playing Diablo over Battle.net

    For more information on application compatibility, see the Apple Support Web Site at www.apple.com/support. For information on NAT see Mac Help (available from the Help menu).

    Note: Wireless internet access requires AirPort Card, AirPort Base Station, and Internet Access (fees may apply). Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort, including America Online. Range may vary with site conditions.

Document Information
Product Area: AirPort
Category: AirPort Software
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.