TOPIC This article is the About Personal Web Sharing Read Me file that comes with Mac OS 8.0. DISCUSSION
Important information about Mac OS Personal Web Sharing
Mac OS Personal Web Sharing is the easiest way to share your information with everyone on your intranet, no matter what type of computer or browser they are using. All you do is put the items you want to share in the server folder and turn on the server.
Installing Personal Web Sharing
The Web Pages folder also contains a file named Default.html which you can use as the home page for your server. You can modify this file or choose a different home page (see Using Personal Web Sharing for instructions).
Important: A continuous TCP/IP connection and a static IP address are strongly recommended for use of Personal Web Sharing. If your system does not have a persistent connection and a static IP address, any interruption in the network connection could negatively affect TCP/IP signals. In some circumstances, this could cause the system to appear to hang. To avoid this problem, always use a continuous TCP/IP connection and a static IP address. Note: This problem could also occur with other server applications. Known Problems
Virtual memory off
Follow these steps to turn off the automatic reconnect option: 1. Open the PPP control panel. 2. Click the Options button. 3. Click the Connection tab. 4. Click to remove the X from the box labeled Connect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications, and click OK. 5. Close the PPP control panel.
Location of server folder
Browsers look for index.html document
You can avoid having visitors inadvertently see the wrong document by renaming any files named default.html and index.html (whether at root level or inside a nested folder on the server). If you change document names, be sure to revise any links to the renamed documents so they reflect the new name.
Personal NetFinder and an index.html document
File sharing and AppleShare
MacIP via LocalTalk
IP Addressing
Optimizing Personal NetFinder
CGIs (Common Gateway Interfaces)
Mixed-Platform Environment
File formats also vary from one type of computer to another in a cross-platform environment. Each computer on the network should have its browser's helper applications configured correctly for the types of files your server contains before connecting to your server.
Non-English-Language Documents
Mac to non-Mac: If your server contains non-English-language pages, a non-Mac OS computer will encounter some incompatibilities. For example, character sets may differ from one type of computer to another.
Non-English System Software
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Document Information | |
Product Area: | Mac OS System Software |
Category: | Mac OS 8.0 |
Sub Category: | General Topics |
Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.