PowerBook G3 Series: Keyboard
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    How does the keyboard differ from other PowerBook models?


    The keyboard on the PowerBook G3 Series (M4753) computer has a new layout with all the features of an Apple Extended Keyboard. You can hold down the function key to activate the extended keyboard functions. To activate the embedded numeric keypad, you hold down the function key and press the F5 (num lock) key. The num lock LED lights to indicate that the numeric keypad is active. In that mode of operation, only the numeric keypad, the modifier keys, and certain other special functions are active. While the keyboard is in the keypad mode, you can type alphabetical information by holding down the function key.

    There are two different states that the keyboard can be put into using the function key. They are: function key held down and num lock active. Below are some illustrations of the keyboard and what the keys will do in each of these different states:

    Function key held down - In this mode, the letter and number keys still operate normally, however, the keypad can be used for page up page down, end and home which are usually keys that are located on extended keyboards.

    Num Lock Mode - This mode is activated by pressing function-F5. When the num lock mode is active, the light to the left of the F5 key will be lit. In this mode, the letter keys are disabled and some are converted to only type numbers as a numeric keypad would operate. The illustration below shows which keys operate as numbers.

    Each of the keys that are modified by the function key has small brown-yellow text printed on the key to indicate its uses.

    Key Caps
    Note: In the illustrations below, the num lock light has been added to the Key Caps graphics. The light is not present on the normal Key Caps desk accessory.

    Below are Key Caps illustrations of how this will work:

    Notice that the light right above the 5 key is not lit. This indicates that the keyboard is in normal operation mode. This light indicates whether the num lock is active.

    On this keyboard, the light above the 5 key is lit. This is lit by pressing the function key right next to the ctrl key on the keyboard and pressing the F5 key. The light comes on and the only active keys will be ones listed above along with:

    arrow keys
    function key
    ctrl key
    option key
    command key
    space bar
    shift key
    tab key
    caps lock key
    escape key
    F1 - F12

    All other keys are disabled until you press the function-F5 key combination again to return the keyboard back to its normal configuration. Note that when the keyboard is in keypad mode, you can access all of the normal keys by pressing the function key and the key. While the function key is pressed normal keys are accessible.
    • You will not be able to use key combinations like command-shift-3 when in the keypad mode. You will still be able to restart the keyboard with ctrl-command-power key.
    • When the keyboard is in keypad mode. If you restart the computer, it will remain in keypad mode when it starts up. If you have password security active, the computer will not recognize your password. If this happens check if the num lock light is on, if it is, press function-F5, the light should go off, then you can type in the password.
    • If you are using an application which does not support the extended keys, make sure that the function keys are functioning in SimpleText. If the Page Up, Page Down keys are working in SimpleText, then contact the vendor of the application for an update.

    Note: Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series computers should not be confused with Macintosh PowerBook G3 computers. Though the names are similar, there are significant differences. For more information differentiating between the computers, read Tech Info Library article 24604: " PowerBook G3, G3 Series: Identifying Different Versions "

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: PowerBook G3 Series

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