Ofoto: Compatibility Issues
Article ID:


    Ofoto software that shipped with Apple OneScanners and Apple Color OneScanners was not tested with PowerMacintosh, System Software 7.5, Apple's 600/27 or 1200/30 scanners, or newer versions of the Mac OS, and is known to not work reliably with these configurations.


    Note: LightSource (the developer of Ofoto) no longer offers phone support or software upgrades, and has no plans to revise Ofoto to be compatible with current versions of the Mac OS.

    Customers who wish to use their Apple OneScanner or Apple Color OneScanner on Macintosh computers running System 7.5 or newer may want to consider the following:

    1) Use the software included with the scanners instead of Ofoto.

    2) Some third-party software options are listed below. We encourage you to contact the vendor to ensure the product has the features and offers the compatibility to fit your needs.

    Note: Apple does not recommend or endorse any of these solutions; they are provided purely for informational purposes. Support for these products is provided solely by the software vendor, not by Apple.

    The following software packages may serve as alternatives to Ofoto software:

    ScanTastic ps
    Photoshop plug-in for Apple, Epson, and Hewlett-Packard scanners
    Second Glance Software - 360-692-3694

    ScanPrepPro 2.01
    ScanPrepPro is a Photoshop acquire module designed to automate scanning
    and image manipulation processes.

    1121 Casa Nova Ct.
    Lawrenceville, GA 30244

    404-564-1632 (fax)

    DPI Art-Scan Professional
    Scanning software for line art, gray-scale, and color originals

    DPI Electronic Imaging Systems
    629 Old State Route 74, Ste. 1
    Cincinnati, OH 45244

    513-528-8670 (fax)

    PixelCraft, A Xerox Co.
    130 Doolittle Dr., #19
    San Leandro, CA 94577

    510-562-6451 (fax)

    Scanner interface
    FotoLook is a professional plug-in that allows scanners to be driven from PCs, Macs, or Power Macs.

    Agfa Division, Bayer Corporation
    100 Challenger Rd.
    Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660

    OneScan 1.1.1
    An Adobe Photoshop plug-in that can be downloaded from the InfoMac Archive software site at:
    This plug-in was written by Richard Parr.


    1) Should a third-party application require a driver from the scanner manufacturer, you might try using the latest Apple OneScanner and Apple Color OneScanner driver developed and tested for use with Dispatcher 2.0 or Ofoto 2.0.1 or later. This driver is posted on Apple Software Updates and is named: Dispatcher-Ofoto Drvr 4.2.sea.

    2) Those using Ofoto with Mac OS 8 may benefit from a freeware extension called OS8foto developed by Jon Hueras. This extension provides a workaround for a pop-up window problem. OS8foto only addresses a software conflict between Ofoto and Mac OS 8 and has no effect whatsoever unless Ofoto is the foreground application. The extension does not address any hardware problems.

    This extension is available on the Web at http://www.macfixit.com/ . Use the Search facility to find OS8foto.

    This article provides information about non-Apple products. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information. Support for these products is provided solely by the software vendor, not by Apple.

    The Tech Info Library article, #17159: " Locating Vendor Information ", can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.

Document Information
Product Area: Peripherals
Category: Scanner Software
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.