PC Setup 1.6.4: PC Compatible Error
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    I recently upgraded to PC Setup 1.6.4. Now, when I try to activate the PC side, the PC side does not start up, and I get the following message:

    "A PC compatible error has occurred. A drive file cannot be opened".


    There are two main reasons this error message can occur in PC Setup 1.6.4:
      1. A drive file is not selected in the PC Setup control panel. Go to the PC Setup control panel and reselect your PC drive file.

      2. A PC-formatted SCSI hard drive (aka: drive partition) is selected as drive C: in the PC Setup control panel. PC Setup 1.6.4 will not allow you to boot off of a PC-formatted SCSI hard drive. Instead, create a drive file (aka drive container) as drive C:, and select the PC-formatted SCSI hard drive as drive D:.?

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: DOS Compatible
Sub Category: PC Compatibility Cards

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