Iomega ZIP Drive: Delays When Drive is in Sleep Mode
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    I have a Power Macintosh 8600/200. I have noticed that when the ZIP drive has a disk installed but the drive is in sleep mode there is a delay when opening documents or applications.

    This delay seems to be caused by the sleeping drive which is spinning up again. This effect occurs whether the document or application I am launch is located on the ZIP disk or not. Why does this occur?


    If the information you are trying to access is located on the ZIP disk then the drive will need to spin up to access the information. This behavior is completely normal, regardless of the Power Macintosh you are using.

    If the Drive seems to be sleeping too quickly then it might be best to modify the sleep setting to wait a little longer before placing the drive into a sleep state. This adjustment can be made via the Iomega Tools application. If you launch this application and select the third icon from the left which is titled "Change Drive Options" you can change the sleep delay from 1 to 30 minutes. The factory setting places the sleep time to 15 minutes.

    Another possible problem could be caused the by the Disk Cache settings. If the Disk Cache is set to low we have seen this cause delays in launching application and documents as well.

    The Disk Cache setting is located in the Memory control panel. If this setting has not been changed then it is likely set to 96K. Try increasing the Disk Cache to 256 or 512K to see if has any effect on the delays.

    For Technical Specifications see TIL Article number 20766: Iomega Zip Drive (SCSI): Specifications

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Power Macintosh
Sub Category: General Topics
Keywords: 3pty, hts, kppc

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