QuickTime: White Video Only
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    This article explains why some QuickTime movies may appear as only white frames, even though audio may be present.


    The most common reason for white video (no video image) is a missing decompressor (the "dec" part of a codec). The typical reason for a codec missing is that the codec used to compress the video is not a standard QuickTime codec; for example, a custom developed codec. If your computer does not have the same codec to decompress the video, QuickTime plays back the parts of the movie it knows about.

    The other known reason for white video relates to a limited amount of memory being assigned to MoviePlayer/QuickTime Player (or your QuickTime playback software). In low memory conditions decompressing video may be unable to complete the decompression process resulting in the white frames. Increase the available memory to the the movie playing software.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: QuickTime
Sub Category: QuickTime 3.x

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