Macintosh Desktop Printing: "Endless Loop" Issue
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    As the desktop appears on my Macintosh at startup, I get an error message that says "The file 'xxx' in the desktop printer (desktop folder) is not a valid print file. Moving to the desktop folder." When I click "OK," it duplicates the file in question then gives me the same message again as it comes upon the next file. My Mac seems to be stuck in a loop; what can I do?


    In this situation the Macintosh has mistaken the "desktop folder" for a "desktop printer." At startup, the system attempts to print the files in the "desktop printer."

    Note: There may not be a desktop printer icon visible if the hidden desktop folder is being used instead.

    When it tries to print the first file, your Macintosh realizes it is not a valid "print file," so it tries to move it to the desktop and gives you the error message. Macintosh then moves the file to the desktop folder (duplicating the file that is already on the desktop) and gets caught in this loop.

    For all practical purposes, a desktop printer is simply a special folder that the Macintosh is constantly watching. When you issue a print command, Mac creates a "print file" that contains the instructions that are sent to the printer, and then places that file in the desktop printer folder. Once the Macintosh realizes there is something in the desktop printer folder, it checks it to make sure it's a valid print file, then sends it to the printer. If it is not a valid print file, Mac moves it to the desktop.

    Neither a clean install nor resetting the PRAM typically resolves this issue.

    Solving this issue requires removing all files from the desktop so the Macintosh does not try to print anything at startup. Starting up from the CD does not allow you to do this since the desktop folder is locked when you have started up from a CD.

    Steps to resolve this issue:
    Note: If you have a Disk Tools or another start-up floppy disk from which to start up the computer, skip to step 4.

    1. Start up from the System CD.
    2. Find the Disk Tools or Disk Images folder.
    3. Use Disk Copy to make a Disk Tools floppy disk.

    (Be sure to use the correct disk image:
    -Disk Tools 1 is for computers that do not have a PowerPC processor, but do have a SCSI hard drive.
    -Disk Tools 2 is for computers with IDE hard drives, regardless of processor)

    4. Restart the computer using Disk Tools.
    5. Make a new folder in the hard disk window.
    6. Drag all the icons that are on the desktop (except for the hard drive, floppy disk, and trash can icons) into this new folder. A quick way to accomplish this is to select a single icon on the desktop, choose ''Select All'' from the Edit menu, then hold down the Shift key while deselecting the hard drive, floppy disk, and trash can icons. Release the shift key, then click-and-drag the highlighted icons into the new folder.
    7. Restart the Macintosh from the hard disk.
    8. Open the Chooser and select another printer. It does not matter which printer you choose, because you are simply choosing another printer to force the Macintosh to create another desktop printer.

    The Macintosh should now see the new desktop printer and be out of the print loop.

    NOTE: This issue should not occur under OS 8.1.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Printers
Category: Printer Software
Sub Category: LaserWriter
Keywords: hts

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