PowerBook: Hard Drives and Noise
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    Customers have inquired about the internal hard drives making noises when reading and writing as well as when it is just at idle but not spun down.


    Hard drives make several sounds including clicks and rotating noise. The clicks are from the heads on the drive moving back and forth and the louder clicks are when the heads park (the drive will park the heads after
    a period of time of not being in use). The parking of the heads help protect data because a drive is much less likely to lose data when the unit is dropped or moved if the heads are not on the platters.

    2.5" Hard drive noise should not be over 39dBA in typical operation when measuring the top cover of the PowerBook.

    If the PowerBook has been dropped the drive may make noise over the limits, please note abuse is not covered under the limited hardware warranty.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: General Topics

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