Power Macintosh G3: PATHWORKS error on startup
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    I have a G3-based Macintosh computer that I am setting up with DIGITAL PATHWORKS. When the DECnet line setting is set to 'ethernet', I get the following message from PATHWORKS on startup:

    "error => could not find Ethernet driver"

    Is PATHWORKS supported on G3-based Macintosh computers?


    This is a known issue between PATHWORKS for Mac and the ethernet drivers for G3-based Macintosh computers. PATHWORKS will not function when the DECnet line setting is set to 'ethernet' on these machines.

    Customers using PATHWORKS for Mac should also be aware of the following developments at Compaq/DIGITAL:

    - Compaq/DEC discontinued support for PATHWORKS for Mac as of 7/1/1998.
    - Compaq/DEC will not be testing PATHWORKS for Mac for Year-2000 (Y2k) compliance.

    PATHWORKS supports three types of DECnet connections:
    - ethernet
    - AppleTalk
    - modem

    Although DECnet-over-ethernet connections are known not to work, DECnet-over-AppleTalk (including AppleTalk over ethernet) or modem connections may still be possible. Apple has not done any testing, and we are not aware of any testing done by Compaq/DEC before they discontinued support of their product.

    The current information is true for G3 computers up to and including Mac OS 8.1. The Mac OS 8.5 ethernet driver for the G3 now provides support for the "eadr" resource, which allows the "ethernet" line setting for PATHWORKS to be used.

    Although Apple has added support for this resource, we have done no testing of PATHWORKS on Mac OS 8.5.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Power Macintosh
Sub Category: Power Macintosh G3

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