AppleShare IP: LPD Errors Chart
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    Clients sending print jobs to the AppleShare IP print queue using LPR sometimes get messages that are only numeric, no text to explain what's wrong. How can I find out what these errors indicate?


    The table below will help you decipher the numeric errors received at the client. It also helps to check the Print Server Log when errors occur. To minimize problems using LPR printing:

    1) remember queue names are case sensitive
    2) keep queue names to a single word (no blank spaces within the name)
    3) remember to select a default LPR queue in the Print Server Settings:Protocol window, which will enable clients to send a print job without specifying a queue name.
    Error String (visible on some clients)
    Basic meaning, suggestions
    eerror: unrecognized command '0x## '
    Client sent an invalid daemon command (i.e.: not specified in RFC 1179, part 5).
    Problem is with print client. Will never occur with LaserWriter 8.
    error: unsupported command '0x##' user attempted an unimplemented daemon command:

    01: print waiting jobs (lpc)

    05: remove jobs from queue (lprm)

    These are lpd queue administration commands. ASIP does not allow remote lpd queue administration. Use ASIP Print Admin instead. Will never occur with LaserWriter 8. LaserWriter 8 does not implement these commands.

    Mostly found in unix as lpc and lprm .

    error: unrecognized read job command '0x##' Client sent an invalid read job subcommand (ie: not specified in RFC1179, part 6). Problem is with print client. Will never occur with LaserWriter 8.
    error: unsupported read job command '0x##' user attempted the following unimplemented receive job subcommand:

    01: abort job

    This error may occur with some 3rd party lpr clients when aborting a job. Will never occur with LaserWriter 8. LaserWriter 8 uses a different abort job method (TCP reset connection).
    error: line too long Line exceeded ASIP maximum length. Unlikely to occur if lpr client conforms to RFC 1179. Will never occur with LaserWriter 8.
    error: read control file line too long Control file line exceeded ASIP maximum length Unlikely to occur if lpr client conforms to RFC 1179. Will never occur with LaserWriter 8.
    error: read control file received nak ('0x%X') Client sent nak where an ack was expected Communication problem between client and server.
    error: read data file received nak ('0x%X') Client sent nak where an ack was expected Communication problem between client and server.
    error: no default queue, client must supply queue name Client tried to use the default queue but none was specified in print server admin. Select a default queue in ASIP Print Admin or supply a queue name on the client. Occurs if queuename left blank in DPU.
    error: default queue not found Default queue no longer exists. Should not occur. Select a new default queue in ASIP Print Admin or supply a queue name on the client
    error: queue ' queuename ' not found
    Queue name not entered correctly.
    reenter queue name on the client, or create a new queue with a matching name.
    error: too many requests User specified too many job #s in status command(s) Generated from an lpq (display queue) request. Shorten the list of job numbers in your request. Will never occur with LaserWriter 8, which does not implement this command.
    error: invalid receive job file name Received file name "dfa123JobName" isn't in the correct format problem with lpr client (does not conform to RFC1179). Will never occur with LaserWriter 8.
    error: queuename : spooling disabled
    Server is on hold or already has 500 jobs or has 32 spool sessions.
    Release hold on the print queue or wait until server is not maxed.
    error: memory allocation failure Problem at print server. Should never happen. Gather data and escalate
    error: memory allocation failure Problem at print server. Should never happen. Gather data and escalate
    error: admin canceled the job Occurs if admin kills job in ASIP Print Admin
    error: job has no data An internal only error - should never happen
    error: can't open printer A despool error - should never happen
    error: network problem A general protocol error
    error: disk full Not enough disk space on volume. Free up space on print server hard drive
    error: PostScript data format error PostScript data format error
    error: invalid assigned printer A despool error - should never happen
    error: security violation
    error: incomplete PostScript job An internal only error - should never happen
    error: general problem A catch all - should never happen
    Not an ASIP error message error is not specifically related to LPD

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: AppleShare
Sub Category: AppleShare for Mac OS

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