AppleWorks/ClarisWorks: Entering Year 2000 & Beyond Dates
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    This article discusses the steps to enter Year 2000 and beyond dates in ClarisWorks 4.0 (and newer versions) and AppleWorks.

    For complete information on Claris Products and Y2K please see Apple's Year 2000 Web page specifically focused on Claris Products at:

    Note: AppleWorks is the new name for ClarisWorks.


    Dates through the year 9999 can be entered into spreadsheet cells and database date fields, and used in calculations.

    All previously created documents will maintain the dates that were entered, as they were entered.

    When creating new documents using the Mac OS version of ClarisWorks:

    Prior to the year 2000
    The Mac OS version of ClarisWorks will recognize two-digit years as follows:
    • Years 11-99 will be recognized as being 1911-1999, respectively
    • Years 00-10 will be recognized as being in the 21st century (2000-2010)
    • For dates in the 21st century after 2010, it will be necessary to use four-digit dates throughout a file (as described further below).

    Beginning in the year 2000
    Two-digit years (mm/dd/yy) can be used as follows:
    • Years 91-99 will be recognized as being 1991-1999, respectively
    • Years 00-90 will be recognized as being in the 21st century
    • For dates in the 20th century prior to 1991, it will be necessary to use four-digit dates throughout a file (as described further below).

    Beginning in the year 2011
    All two-digit years will be recognized as being in the 21st century. For dates in the 20th century, it will be necessary to use four-digit dates (as described further below).

    To have the Mac OS version of ClarisWorks recognize dates other than those described above, it is necessary to use the "Date & Time" Control Panel to set the date format to "Show Century" and to enter ALL dates in the file using a four-digit year (mm/dd/yyyy).

    Note: If you make any changes to the Date & Time Control Panel you must relaunch ClarisWorks for those changes to take effect.

    When creating new documents using the Windows version of ClarisWorks:

    ClarisWorks 4.0 for Windows and ClarisWorks 5.0 for Windows recognize two-digit dates from 00 through 10 as occurring in the 21st century (i.e., 20xx), and two-digit dates from 11 through 99 as occurring in the 20th century (i.e., 19xx).

    For example: Entering 2/1/07 in a spreadsheet or database will store February 1, 2007, and entering 2/1/12 will store February 1, 1912.

    To have ClarisWorks properly recognize other dates in the 20th or 21st century, it is necessary to change the Regional Settings (Windows 95 or NT) Control Panel to a date style that includes all four digits of the year such as "M/d/yyyy", and to enter all dates in the file using the a four-digit year (2/1/2007).

    Note: If you make any changes to the Regional Settings Control Panel you must relaunch ClarisWorks for those changes to take effect.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Claris Software
Sub Category: ClarisWorks

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.