ASIP: How To Do A Domain Depending Multiple Domain Mail Support
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    This article describes how to do a domain depending multi-domain mail support in AppleShare IP.


    AppleShare IP (ASIP) can handle email for multiple domains as long as you don't need a specific username to go to different people. That is, user1@domain1.com and user1@domain2.com have to be the same person.

    You do this by setting up entries in DNS so that other SMTP mail servers will know that your ASIP Mail server is handling all mail for the given domains. Basically, you're setting up DNS so that mail.domain1.com and mail.domain2.com point to the same server.

    ASIP Mail Server's IP Address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    ASIP Mail Server's domain name: mail.domain.com

    Set up a DNS MX-List for:
    domain1.com MX
    10 mail.domain.com
    100 mail.your_isp.com <---- note this line is optional

    domain2.com MX
    10 mail.domain.com
    100 mail.your_isp.com

    domain3.com MX
    10 mail.domain.com
    100 mail.your_isp.com

    AppleShare IP Mail will handle mail for any domain with an MX-List where the ASIP Mail server is the lowest priority alternative choice in the MX-List.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: AppleShare
Sub Category: AppleShare for Mac OS
Keywords: cnfg

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