AppleWorks: 'Disk is Full' Error When Saving to Windows Server
Article ID:


    When saving certain AppleWorks 5 documents to a network server volume via Windows File Sharing (NT Server, AppleShare IP), I get the following message:

    "Alert: The disk is full"

    There is plenty of free space on the server. Also, if the file already exists, it can no longer be opened. If the file doesn't already exist, it is not created.


    Apple has identified that this may occur when saving files 1 MB or larger in size to network volumes in certain circumstances. The problem does not occur when saving files less than 1 MB in size, nor does it occur when saving files 1 MB or larger in size to a local drive.


    You can avoid this situation by using the "Map Network Drive" feature to assign a drive letter to the network volume. To do this, follow these steps:

      1. Open Network Neighborhood

      2. Double-click the server

      3. Right-click on the server volume you wish to map to a drive letter

      4. Select "Map Network Drive"

      5. Select a drive letter or use the default

      6. Check "Reconnect at logon" if you wish to make this setting persistent across restarts - Click OK

    Alternatively, you can save to your local hard drive and copy the file to the server volume.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: AppleWorks
Sub Category: Troubleshooting
Keywords: cnfg, knts

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