Macintosh Floppy Drives: Creating Apple IIGS Start Up Floppy Disks Issue
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    I am trying to make a set of system disks for an Apple IIGS computer. I have downloaded the seven disk images from the Apple Software Updates several times. I had no problem decompressing the images and using Disk Copy. The floppy disks mount on a Macintosh computer.

    The Apple IIGS will not start up with any of the seven disks. I tried different versions of Disk Copy and a new set of floppy disks. I tried removing all hardware upgrades from my Apple IIGS. Nothing seems to work.


    Apple has confirmed this issue may occur if a manual insert floppy drive is used to create the disks. Many recently-produced Macintosh computers ship with manual insert floppy drives.

    Apple recommends using an older Macintosh computer with an auto insert drive to create the disks.


    1) If a Macintosh computer with an auto insert floppy drive is not available, contact a local Apple-authorized service provider. Local libraries or Macintosh user groups may also have access to older Macintosh computers.

    2) Another work around is to transfer the disk images to the Apple IIGS over a network and use the ShrinkIt application to create the disks on the Apple IIGS itself. ShrinkIt 1.1 is available from the Apple Software Updates at:
    " http://asu.info.apple.com/ "

    The Apple IIGS disk images are available at: " http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n10078 ".

    How to distinguish manual insert floppy drives from auto insert floppy drives:

    * Auto insert drives will "grab" a floppy disk when partially inserted; a manual insert drive requires one to push a floppy disk fully in to the drive.

    * Manual insert drives will have an egg-shaped indentation in the bezel in front of the drive to allow the disk to be fully inserted

    * Manual insert drives may have a small "door" covering the opening of the drive when not in use.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Apple II
Sub Category: Apple IIgs

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