Mac OS 8.6: What to Do When an Item Is Not Updated
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    The Mac OS 8.6 updater will not update some items if an older version of the component is not already installed, or the original component has been moved from its original location.


    The Mac OS 8.6 updater will check whether an item is already installed before attempting to update it. If the item is not already there, then it will assume the user does not need or use the item, and the updated version will not be installed. Also, the installer sometimes checks in specific locations for an item. If the item has been moved, the updated version will not be installed.

    Example: A customer launches Desktop Printer Utility (DTPU) but gets an error that the application does not work with the current version of PrintingLib installed. This is because the customer moved the previous version of the utility from the Apple LaserWriter Software folder of the Apple Extras folder before running the Mac OS 8.6 updater. So, the newer version of DTPU, which matches the updated PrintingLib, has not been installed.

    Note: Not all configurations will return this error, this is just an example.

    Reinstall the component from the Mac OS 8.5 Installer, using the Custom Install feature. Then, run the Mac OS 8.6 updater again.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 8.6
Sub Category: Troubleshooting

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