AppleWorks: Font Smoothing Changes Font Spacing
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    The letter spacing and line breaks of an AppleWorks document are not the same on computers with Mac OS 8.1, and those with Mac OS 8.5 or later.


    One of the features introduced in Mac OS 8.5 is Font Smoothing, also called anti-aliased text. Font Smoothing softens the edges of text on the screen so the characters do not look jagged. The width of text on the screen may be different when smoothing is turned on, which may cause line breaks in your documents to change from how they were on a computer with Mac OS 8.1.

    Follow these steps to make documents look the same on computers with both operating systems:

      1. Turn off Font Smoothing:
      • Quit AppleWorks
      • Open the Appearance control panel.
      • Click the Fonts tab.
      • Deselect the Smooth all fonts on screen option.

      2. Turn off Fractional Character Widths in AppleWorks Preferences.

      3. Make sure the same printer is selected on each computer. Page dimensions are read from the printer driver, and this can contribute to differences in spacing. Choose Page Setup from the File menu to check this setting.

      4. You may need to install identical fonts on all computers by copying some Mac OS 9 fonts to the computers with system software earlier than Mac OS 9. Although the font names may be the same, fonts with similar names may be from different vendors, or a font's metrics might have changed between Mac OS releases.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: AppleWorks
Sub Category: Troubleshooting
Keywords: ksts, kworks

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