AppleWorks 5.x: Error Printing Fax Cover Sheet 3
Article ID:


    When I attempt to print the "Fax Cover Sheet 3," a stationery document included with AppleWorks 5, the document does not print properly; a PostScript error is displayed. How can I print this document?


    If you receive a PostScript error when attempting to print the Fax Cover Sheet 3, use the following workarounds.

    • Upgrade to Mac OS 9
    • Resize the graphics
      1. Open the Fax Cover Sheet 3 stationery.
      2. Click on the graphics of the fax machine. (Four grow handles should appear at each corner of the fax machine.)
      3. Grab one of the grow boxes (click on it and hold the mouse button down) then shrink the size of the fax machine (drag the grow box).

    You do not need to change the size of the graphic very much and after doing so, the document should now print. If it doesn't, merely reselect the graphics and change the size a bit more.

    Additional information:
    The behavior was verified with AppleWorks and ClarisWorks versions 5.x, on Macintosh computers running Mac OS 8.5.1 and Mac OS 8.6. The error encountered is "undefined," and the offending command is @r.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: AppleWorks
Sub Category: Troubleshooting

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